The FIRE movement believes frugality is key to retiring in your 30s; others think the movement is about privilege more than prudence.
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You searched for: Math
Once a lucrative exercise anyone could do, bitcoin mining has grown out of control, and governments are weighing what to do.
Why do some smart folk spout such bad ideas? Marilynne Robinson says it’s because we teach them “higher twaddle.” She’s right, but the situation is worse than she fears.
The human brain is an incredible marvel of evolution. But what’s even more incredible is how this supercomputer in your head is able to occasionally make such dumb mistakes.
7 min
It’s been said that string theory physicist Michio Kaku believes in God, but the truth is it depends on what “God” means.
A new conception of quantum mechanics rests on the idea that parallel universes exist, and that they interact with our own to create weird and wonderful quantum phenomena.
Ten days before he died, Stephen Hawking published a final paper with a way to prove or disprove the multiverse.
Dammit, Spock, can your cold, calculating reason fathom the mysteries of the human heart?
New research on the hypothalamus shows that body heat matters.
Facebook announces a new unit of time called the “flick” that simplifies the creation of VR content.
We are discovering that the subtleties of our psychological lives are being managed by specific modules in our brains.
New research predicts the existence of completely different kind of stars.
Some things in life just can’t be explained. And that’s okay.
In the wake of suicides by high-profile and much-beloved celebrities Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain, psychologists and psychiatrists say that suicide is too complex and indeterminate for humans to predict.
Effective business communication is not just an advantage for businesses — it’s a necessity. According to Salesforce, 86% of 1,400 surveyed corporate execs, employees, and educators attribute workplace failures to […]
A study published in Applied Cognitive Psychology suggests that believers struggle to understand the physical world.
The first step is recognizing that physical, mental, and emotional health are interconnected.
Einstein didn’t like the schools he went to, how would he improve them?
The hallmark of a good scientist is changing your mind when new evidence arises. Here’s what that looks like. Science, like many things in life, is always a work-in-progress. While a […]
Duke University researchers found that stimulating brain regions dealing with abstract reasoning and cognitive flexibility alleviate anxiety and depression.
Feversham Academy in Bradford, England has profoundly improved its students’ performance by adding a lot more music to their curriculum.
Elegance, beauty, and mathematical precision makes for a compelling story and an exquisite model. But it doesn’t make it right. Scientific theories, at their best, are simple, straightforward, full of predictive […]
In 2015, Ed Witten, the greatest living string theorist, wrote a piece on why. Here’s the version for everyone. It’s one of the most brilliant, controversial and unproven ideas in […]
Summary Salman Khan, the founder of Khan Academy, discusses the story of how he was inspired to create a software-based learning tool that would teach others subjects like Math, World […]
Granted, genetic manipulation has been a dream for decades. Here’s what is different now.
In the search for fundamental truths in our Universe, one of the biggest questions, “are space and time continuous or discrete,” remains unanswered. Throughout the history of science, one of […]
The way that hits are now calculated, impossibly long albums may be on the horizon.
Research has shown that early intervention can make ASD more manageable.
Mathematicians argue in a new paper that the accelerating expansion of the universe can be explained without dark energy.
If we know how big the observable Universe is, why can’t we figure out how big the unobservable part is? 13.8 billion years ago, the Big Bang occurred. The Universe was […]