Everyday Philosophy

Philosophy isn’t only about the big questions like “What is truth?” In fact, some of the best philosophy stems from seemingly small questions, like “Is it ever OK to ghost the people you date?” Everyday Philosophy brings these conversations directly to you, using philosophical insights to unpack everyday dilemmas in an unpretentious and accessible way.

“I think it’s about time we stop allowing every male generation bang their frontal lobe through its most developmental stages.”
Jonny Thomson taught philosophy in Oxford for more than a decade before turning to writing full-time. He’s a columnist at Big Think and is the award-winning, bestselling author of three[…]
How black and white is your thinking?
Jonny Thomson taught philosophy in Oxford for more than a decade before turning to writing full-time. He’s a columnist at Big Think and is the award-winning, bestselling author of three[…]
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