
How does looking back move us forward? Big Think Business presents Hindsight: a collection of original essays, interviews, and curated book excerpts featuring some of the world’s most insightful business thinkers and thought leaders. A few of the questions we explore: How can we avoid the pitfalls of the “hindsight fallacy”? How will AI connect hindsight with blue-sky innovation? What is the nature and psychology of hindsight? Explore these and other fascinating threads, all connected by our knowledge of the past and our plans for the future.
When you study the past, you need to take into account how it’s different from what you are dealing with.
The key to understanding hindsight bias is that “should’ve known” is a false statement: equal parts illusion and distraction.

Being an active learner means being a historian of your own life, so start by reflecting on your past, beginning with your earliest experiences and influences.
Hindsight creates foresight and, if we’re lucky in our own lives, it creates some insight as well.