Lieutenant Raymond Foster has graciously invited me to make some comments on leadership. I highly appreciated Raymond’s gesture and sophistication in dealing with the increasingly relevant subject. I attended a “LIVE” forum as Raymond was being interviewed I found his words of wisdom very original and useful.
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You searched for: Math
New Jersey high schooler Steven Castellano spoke with Big Think today on all things neuroscientific. His forte is brain science, but we wouldn’t let him leave without first telling us […]
Using the Definition of the Domain of Morality as a sort of logical compass, Conservatism is argued to be “going against nature.”
Actionable omniscience perspective defined.
In this year marked by government largess, Big Think wants to know what you did to cut corners on your taxes this year. We know you did it. Totally anonymous, […]
In addition to an increased risk of needing Lasik surgery and an unnatural LCD-like glow to your complexion, excessive time on Facebook may be keeping you from your family and […]
Gmail’s hiccup this morning that wiped out the world’s most popular email program for millions of users across the United Kingdom and the rest of Europe for four long hours […]
Wall Street bonuses have been captured under the media’s microscope since the the recession began in earnest, and most objective perspectives have called the billions in performance-based pay superfluous remuneration. […]
Daniel Koretz laments that math gains in elementary and middle schools are not maintained in high school.
1 min
Parents wrongfully assume some kids are good at math and others are not, Daniel Koretz notes.
2 min
The gender gap in math and science flies in the face of what Tom Bloch has seen in his classroom.
1 min
Heidi Hammel says astronomers should be well-rounded especially in math, but no one looks for straight A’s.
4 min
Gates discusses where math and science education in American schools stand.
2 min
Gates traces his early childhood roots as a lover of science and math.
3 min
There must be science and math protocols.
2 min
Tilghman’s father encouraged her to follow her dream and her interest in math and science. She also thinks it is of great importance for people and universities to encourage all […]
3 min
Tilghman was born and grew up in Toronto, Canada. She feels that Canada's policies of putting the group before the individual has definitely influenced her. She also mentions that her […]
1 min