How useful are the algorithms dating sites use? According to one regulatory agency, not very.
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You searched for: Math
Understanding this evaluation process may help us create more sophisticated A.I.
You’ve heard of the big Greek philosophers. Now, read about the ones who inspired them.
Are all those drunk animals on YouTube actually drunk? Zoologist Lucy Cooke examines what’s really going on when animals go, er, wild.
We should stop “celebrating” Valentines Day in elementary-school classrooms.
By training algorithms on human data, they learn our biases.
A top-secret government airline that flies to locations like Area 51 is put in a spotlight by a recent ad and an unexpected connection to the Las Vegas shooting.
The effect worked best when the women knew whose shirt it was.
And the one “sucker’s question” you must never answer, even if the salesperson asks it. For a majority of American adults, a car is a necessity of daily life. From commuting […]
Physicists propose a new kind of space structure that can allow information to escape from black holes.
But if a radical new idea comes to fruition, maybe we can find them after all. After decades of planning, building, prototyping, upgrading, and calibrating, the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO) […]
A comprehensive new study finds that lefties are, in fact, better at advanced math.
Here are five points from the World Economic Forum at Davos that can help men and women work together for gender equality.
The cryptocurrency bitcoin has been surging in the stock market. How does bitcoin work and will its success last?
One achievable solution can stop the epidemic of school shootings in the United States without restricting the guns of law-abiding citizens.
Dark energy means that the Universe’s expansion is accelerating. But how big will it get, and how fast? Our Universe, as we observe it today, is a vast, enormous place, full […]
How did our world come to be ruled by a view of human nature that contradicts the testimony of much of history, and the bulk of the arts, and your daily experience? Mathoholics are to blame.
A large-scale study of students in Maastricht provides valuable data on student performance.
Dylan McWilliams was bit by a shark in Hawaii less than a year after being bit by a bear in Colorado. What are the odds? There’s an old saying out there […]
What would it be like to experience the 4th dimension?
For Women’s History Month we have a list of seven all women teams who changed history. Some were scientists, some soldiers, some living, and some long gone. All of them shaped the world.
How far back in time would you need to travel to find a common human ancestor of people living today? The answer is surprisingly recent.
Many great minds have plenty of bad things to say about democracy, but what about the people who think it is great?
Here’s the first evidence to challenge the “fastest sperm” narrative.
Before Hawking, black holes were just static points in the background of space. His greatest scientific legacy taught us just how dynamic they are. In 1915, Albert Einstein published his General […]
Early childhood science education can have significant positive effects on the achievement gap and on students’ educational outcomes later on.
Studies indicate that most guns are owned by a small amount of Americans, while the majority’s views on gun control issues are ignored by lawmakers.
A common belief that regulations are a burden on businesses is challenged by Maryn McKenna’s book Big Chicken.
Can understanding science make pop culture better, and can understanding pop culture make science more interesting? Absolutely.
10 min
Think we’ll just responsibly choose more fuel efficient vehicles, and the market will take care of the rest? Good luck with that. Since the first oil crisis of the 1970s, there […]