Richard Dawkins
Former Professor for Public Understanding of Science, Oxford University
Richard Dawkins was the inaugural Charles Simonyi Professor for the Public Understanding of Science at Oxford University. In addition to more than 60 scientific papers, he has published eighteen books, including the best-selling The Selfish Gene, The God Delusion, and The Blind Watchmaker. He has presented eleven documentaries on British TV and played a part in many more.

Some biologists believe natural selection produces animals that are just good enough. Dawkins disagrees.
The famed author and public intellectual has a bone to pick with the American legal system.
3 min
Author, speaker, and public intellectual Richard Dawkins is a first-class debater on subjects as grand and reaching as the very existence (or lack thereof) of a master creator. But he’s got a simple yet highly effective technique to win people over to see his point of view. Find out what it is right here.
3 min
Does religion help us survive? No more than moths thrive in flame, says Richard Dawkins.
4 min
Will A.I. take us over, and one day look back on this time period as the dawn of their civilization? Richard Dawkins posits an interesting idea, or at the very least a premise to a good science-fiction novel.
3 min
All science begins with a leap of intuition, says Richard Dawkins, but we can only ever find objective truths by knowing when to let evidence take over from emotion.
4 min
Do animals feel pain? Well, yes. Obviously. They may even feel pain a lot stronger than humans do.
5 min
Elitism has come under fire since the recent wave of populist politics. But when we don’t listen to experts, we end up listening to politicians’ lies, says Richard Dawkins.
6 min
Humans already know how to manipulate animal genomes through selective breeding, but there has been no appetite to try on humans what is the norm for dogs. That’s a good thing, says Dawkins.
4 min
Richard Dawkins responds to the Alt-Right, Trump’s policies, and discusses the evil potential of ideology.
5 min
Big Think sits down with the former Oxford professor and author of The Selfish Gene and The God Delusion.
34 min
Richard Dawkins sees the career of a scientist as a colorful and incredibly creative enterprise—akin, in many ways, to the highest poetry and most imaginative art.
2 min
Aside from Darwin, the famed biologist is also an admirer of Carl Sagan, Alfred Russell Wallace, and Shakespeare.
1 min
The challenges of running multiple foundations as well as a looming sense of inefficiency troubles the legendary scientist’s sleep.
1 min
Though Richard Dawkins has earned fame for explicating the human past, what currently excites him most in science is the prospect of a future where accessing one’s genetic information is […]
4 min
While many in the scientific community are excited at the prospect of battling aging, Richard Dawkins considers the idea foolish and a little presumptuous asking, are we really prepared to […]
2 min
From poetry and ballet to mathematics and being clever, life is laden with frivolous pursuits that hold no bearing on our ability to survive. Yet, insists Richard Dawkins, if it […]
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The famed evolutionary biologist describes a world freed from the values of classical religion, highlighting the fundamental changes that would come about in morality, education, and scientific progress.
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If we want to enhance our public debates and earnestly confront the looming issues of our day, the famed biologist believes that the first step is getting rid of unqualified […]
1 min
While science is indelibly distinct from the field of ethics, Richard Dawkins believes that there are a number of ways in which its facts and reasoning could greatly benefit our […]
5 min
While Richard Dawkins has gone on to lead one of the more prolific scientific careers in modern times, one of his earlier projects remains lost and incomplete. Here, he recounts […]
3 min
After spending the first years of his life in an Anglican household in Nairobi, the path was in no way clear for Richard Dawkins to become a scientist. Here the […]
6 min
Richard Dawkins remembers when he broke with this pattern and became an atheist, outlining his vision of the acceptable, evidence-based faith.
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Evolutionary biologists have learned the basis of a variety of human activities, yet when it comes to understanding human consciousness, the field is as helpless as any other.
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As the legendary evolutionary biologist explains, human intercourse is far from a basic fact of life as the act throws away half of our genes and is therefore entirely irrational […]
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The famed evolutionary biologist summarizes his research into the genetic basis of evolution.
1 min
Richard Dawkins corrects what he sees as the specious use of the term “theory” and argues that evolution is indeed as close to a ‘fact’ as anything we’ll ever know.
1 min