We’ve all heard the number: 4.5 billion years. But how do we know, and how certain are we that the Earth and Sun are the same age? Billions of years ago, […]
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You searched for: ice
While the Olympics officially ended demonstration sports in 1992, a century of unique offerings made us rethink what athletic competition could be.
While millions catch a glimpse of a rare lunar event, NASA plans to shut down an orbiter whose purpose is to study the moon.
The Plasmodium Consortium seeks to get answers to America’s problems from slime molds.
Could the upcoming Winter Olympics stand as a turning point, or will it be more of the same?
Sedna could be the very first known object from the Inner Oort Cloud. But time is running out to create and launch a mission. In 2003, scientists discovered an object beyond […]
Trying to understand California aflame.
A new startup has a method for preserving a brain’s memories when it’s frozen for future uploading.
The bad news, the possibility of epidemics. The good news, it may help slow global warming.
At least 25% of the land that captures carbon is in the hands of indigenous people.
Comprehensive DNA sequencing of artifacts reveals the yeti to be bears, mostly Himalayan brown bears.
Philosophers like to present their works as if everything before it was wrong. Sometimes, they even say they have ended the need for more philosophy. So, what happens when somebody realizes they were mistaken?
A vanished people in a vanished place.
Last week, Cassini plunged into Saturn’s atmosphere. Here are the top 6 things we learned from it while it was alive. “Being a scientist and staring immensity and eternity in the […]
The ingredients for life are everywhere, but so far the only life we know of comes from Earth. Here’s how that might change. Ever since human beings first turned our eyes […]
The Planetary Habitability Laboratory has made up some periodic tables of all of the confirmed and suspected exoplanets so far, plus planetary bodies in our own solar system.
For the first time, an object from outside our solar system is observed traveling through our neighborhood.
A study of moose skull sizes on a remote island shows the effects of global warming.
Just because a distant body has ice doesn’t mean it’ll ever have liquid water.
Meteorites could be sowing life throughout the galaxy.
The past is gone, the future not yet here, only the present is now. But why does it always flow the way it does for us? Every moment that passes finds […]
Diversity training programs can help make your organization a better place for people to work—improving employee engagement, productivity, and retention. A diverse workforce brings together many different perspectives, skills, and […]
NASA scientists are sifting through some of the last transmissions from Cassini. And what they’re finding are kittens. You read that right.
Insert dial-up noise here. If you’re not concerned about what’s about to happen with net neutrality, you’re not paying attention.
Comparing NYC to Luxembourg, by way of iceberg A-68
It’s an incredibly exciting time to be alive, especially if you’re an explorer. We may have been to almost every point on the globe, but there is so much left to understand.
7 min
A neural network was trained to create its own cookbook recipes, resulting in some strange and unappetizing concoctions.
Even our scientific heroes can’t be right about everything. Let’s learn the lessons that they never did. In the 1960s, a young theoretical physicist named Stephen Hawking rose to prominence as […]
Before we go venturing off to another star to look for life, why not look here? “If I had to describe myself to an alien I’d say I was bigger than […]
The highest concentration in Europe of places named after saints? Galicia, in Spain.