Scientists discover that ice in space bubbles, pops, and flows.
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Jeff Bezos is now worth a record $112 billion. Yes, billion with a “b”.
The ultimate fate of the universe is a mind-bogglingly thing to think about. So what’s the final outcome for it all?
There’s a big reason no one, not even Stephen Hawking, could fill Carl Sagan’s shoes. Everyone has a unique story to tell. For scientists, that story is one that usually only […]
From a developmental perspective, lying in young children is rarely cause for concern. In fact, lying is often one of the first signs a young child has developed a “theory of mind.”
The Flat Earth community revealed some of its newest theories and breakthroughs at its first convention in Birmingham, England last weekend.
What do our future missions in physics, astronomy, astrophysics and more hold? If you went back in time just 30 years, the world as we it was a completely different place. […]
Cheddar Man is now complete.
A child-friendly robot demonstrates human emotions and engages children with autism in responding appropriately. MIT researchers have now developed a type of personalized machine learning that helps robots estimate the engagement and interest of each child during these interactions.
What’s Eminem doing in Missouri? Kanye West in Georgia? And Wiz Khalifa in, of all places, North Dakota?
Finding the ingredients for life is a very different prospect than finding the products of life. Perhaps the greatest quest in science today is to find life that originated beyond Earth. […]
Jordan Peterson is one of the most controversial public figures in recent years. Here’s a recap of some of his ideas.
An effort is underway in the AI community to develop posthumous avatars that can ease the pain of mourning. Not everyone thinks this is a good idea.
A new study finds that narwhals race dive deep with their hearts barely beating as they escape humans.
When we place the known objects in the Solar System in order, four inner, rocky worlds and four, outer, giant worlds stand out. Traditionally, these were defined as planets. Will […]
The Flat Earth theory has gained a surprising amount of traction in recent years, thanks largely to YouTube. What exactly do Flat Earthers believe?
How three factors come together to unfreeze the ice, and unlock the potential for extraterrestrial life. “Day after day, day after day,We stuck, nor breath nor motion;As idle as a […]
When it comes to the Solar System, all we have left are the survivors. At last, that might be enough to know what happened 4.5 billion years ago. We know what […]
In his latest book, ‘When: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing’, Daniel Pink makes a convincing case for more naps.
If atmospheric hazes can cool the distant ice dwarf by an extra 30 degrees Celsius, maybe we can geoengineer a solution to our warming problem? When NASA’s New Horizons flew by […]
Even though couples tend to live healthier lifestyles, they put on extra weight. A new study offers potential clues why.
NASA’s Cassini spacecraft taught us more than we ever imagined about Saturn. Could we do something similar for Uranus and Neptune? From where we are in the Solar System, looking out […]
World class athletes, musicians, and chess masters use a similar technique.
There’s nothing new, recent, or remarkable about it. It’s just a typical cosmic pebble in the galactic ocean. Last year, the interstellar interloper ʻOumuamua passed through the inner Solar System. Originally […]
There’s a big difference between evidence and wishful thinking. The story of how life arose on Earth is one of the great mysteries of modern science. We know, in many […]
How to overcome anxiety in a time that tries men’s souls.
Three questions for the designer of a video game in line with the times.
If emissions don’t go down, there’s still an option for combatting global warming. We just have to effectively dim the Sun. Global climate change is one of the most pressing long-term […]
How ‘special’ are we for life to have survived and thrived the way it did? While there are hundreds of billions of stars in our galaxy, many with Earth-sized planets at […]
The medal-winning Norwegian team had a most unusual explanation for why their speed skaters wore blue. Is there any science to back it up? Every four years, the Olympics come around, […]