The entire device is about the size of an ice chest, and the temperature it achieves will be 10 billion times colder than the vacuum of space.
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You searched for: ice
The researchers in this study found that doctors are prescribing opioids even to patients who don’t have any pain-related symptoms. Why?
Electrons show chemists how to see more with less.
New research identifies an unexpected source for some of earth’s water.
Who should sit atop the iron throne? Let your DNA decide. Here on Earth, we hold one important truth to be self-evident above all others: that all humans are created equal. […]
California’s raging fires show how climate change can unleash totally new—and deadly—kinds of weather.
Weather isn’t climate. The President isn’t a scientist. And physics is still real. The country is freezing in an unprecedented fashion, and global warming is to blame. Sound crazy? The cold […]
Hitler and other Nazis were fond of a strange theory that the world was made of ice.
Trump said USMCA is “the most important trade deal we’ve ever made by far.”
Once hunted to near-extinction, humpback whales living in southern oceans near Antarctica are making a comeback. But will it last?
It’s not about the resolution but about how your mind tackles the problem.
The Perseid meteor shower during this weekend’s new moon should be fabulous.
By being someone else, and seeing and discovering the world through the eyes of other people, that can only increase our empathy… and decrease our own egocentric view of the world.
4 min
Both effects could be responsible for a redshift. But only one makes sense for our Universe. In physics, like in life, there are often multiple solutions to a problem that […]
Think getting along with people that are nothing like you is hard? Here’s how astronauts do it, 254 miles above Earth on the ISS.
4 min
The Mars landing is a reminder that we never know what—or whom—we might discover out there.
The coming few years should really tell us a lot more about them.
NASA just cancelled its only lunar rover in development, despite President Donald Trump’s orders to expand lunar expeditions.
So-called ‘positive stress’ has been growing in popularity among Silicon Valley workers.
Scientists have been probing our solar system for extraterrestrial life.
The planet has had life on it, in some form or another, for nearly as long as Earth has existed. If you came to our Solar System right after it formed, […]
The thick sheets of ice at these eight sites could provide the reservoir of water necessary for human expeditions to Mars.
Technology holds the promise of a better future, but our footprint on the planet threatens to undo all our dreams and progress. It’s pretty easy to look at the world […]
A single, complete view of half the world was enough to teach us how these distant, frozen bodies work. On July 14, 2015, NASA’s New Horizons flew by Pluto. Pluto’s atmosphere, […]
This asteroid is feeling itself, clearly.
There are a slew of Earth Science missions that NASA has planned for the future. We need all of them (and more) for a thriving planet. When most people think of […]
The hard part was keeping the list down to ten.
In the patent filed by Uber, it’s clear that the ride company’s A.I. software will use a number of data points to decide if a passenger is drunk—and how, then, to proceed.
Current climate change models are flawed when predicting the true cost to the world, new study says.