The ‘giant impact’ that led to Earth might not have been so giant, after all. A little over 4.5 billion years ago, our Solar System began to form. Somewhere in the […]
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Most of us will still be alive then. Maybe.
The long-raging debate over hot coffee versus iced coffee may soon be settled with this news.
One often-neglected result of climate change is ocean acidification. If this process continues, we may start to see fewer fish and more jellyfish.
Even before MMA was a combat sport, it was a unique type of astronomy. Today, it’s opening up the Universe as never before. On February 24, 1987, a spectacular signal was […]
This is doubly worrisome on the heels of the recent UN climate change report, which gave humanity an urgent deadline to cut carbon emissions: just 12 years.
Not so long ago, we had better maps of Mars than of Antarctica. Now, Antarctica is the best-mapped continent in the world.
Quantum particles are mysterious and difficult to track down, but neutrinos may be the most elusive quantum particles yet. The facilities designed to observe neutrinos are feats of engineering, and what they hope to uncover is profound.
Scientific discovery often happens when you least expect it. But no one could’ve expected this. Imagine that you’re a scientist, going out on a limb to design and build an experiment […]
In order to build a second Earth, we need to look at how the first one was made.
From 4 billion miles away, it says a lot about the meaning of time.
The term socialism makes political discourse difficult. Should we do away with it altogether?
Like Stevenson, Tolkien and other creators of fantasy worlds, Ursula K. Le Guin was a cartographer as well as a writer
This is what we’ve learned from first object ever discovered to enter our Solar System from interstellar space. Billions of years ago, our Solar System was an extraordinarily different place […]
“Slight,” applied to large populations, could still mean thousands of more boys.
New statistical analyses show that human-driven climate change is a virtual certainty.
No particle we know of can explain what’s going on.
The contestants would try to reach the end of the world, as they understand it.
Want to change your diet? The easiest method might be to start exercising.
Sometimes, the biggest answers to the deepest questions come in the most unexpected of places. In the Solar System, anything out past Neptune is generally considered to be the outer reaches […]
The ices and rock aren’t green, and neither are the tails. So where does a comet’s green color come from? Every so often, with extreme regularity, comets will plunge from beyond […]
Take one long stroll, four times a week.
Alternative treatments are often better for noncancer pain, the study found.
We may not find Klingons, but what we do find will blow our terrestrial minds.
4 min
And you thought red-light cameras were bad…
A team of international scientists has pinpointed the cosmic source of a ghostly subatomic particle called a neutrino, marking the beginning of a new era in astronomy.
For the Pluto fans, another sad state of affairs: your favorite world won’t make it. Nothing on Earth lasts forever, and that’s a truth that even extends to all the objects […]
The history of life on Earth took many meandering turns before it gave rise to us. When Earth first formed, all the raw ingredients for life — atoms, molecules, a potentially habitable planet […]