Singing is universal. It is found in all cultures and, despite protestations of tone deafness, the vast majority of people can sing.
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You searched for: ice
A new computer model solves a pair of Jovian riddles.
If they saw us as we were before the recent industrial revolution, would there be any reason to particularly care about us? All across the Universe, trillions of galaxies can be […]
Eric Weinstein says that we need to rethink the current scientific model to allow for more dreaming.
Documentary explores astrobiology, astronauts, and the awe of it all.
It makes no “makes no economic or energy sense.”
It’s far earlier than most teams currently do.
The age of the Universe is only 13.8 billion years, but we know that protons survive much longer. Here’s how. Since the discovery of radioactivity in the 19th century, humanity has […]
He reminds us that meaning is wherever we choose to look.
“I share this honor with ancestors and teachers who inspired in me a love of poetry,” the 68-year-old poet said.
It’s not volcanic activity, and it’s definitely not from a fire. Mars, our red planetary neighbor, is a vastly different world from Earth. Mars and Earth, to scale, shows how much […]
Cryovolcanoes that eject ice instead of magma have been confirmed to exist on Ceres, which will help studying this formation on other planets and moons throughout the solar system.
We’d never flown past or imaged a small, isolated Kuiper belt object before. Here’s what we know so far. As 2018 ended and 2019 began, NASA’s New Horizons flew past its […]
How can we use the resources that are already on the Moon to make human exploration of the satellite as economical as possible?
Using advanced laser technology, scientists at NASA will track global changes in ice with greater accuracy.
Geometric or tabular icebergs are a thing, and they’re kinda beautiful.
Scientists think constructing a miles-long wall along an ice shelf in Antarctica could help protect the world’s largest glacier from melting.
Zizek is on the left and dislikes political correctness. How does that work out?
While there’s plenty to be worried about, it’s important to remember that we’re making progress, too.
Lovers deadlier than gangsters, first comprehensive Danish homicide study since 1970s shows
Astronauts will be able to harvest the Moon’s natural resources to sustain human life.
3 min
The climate change we’re witnessing is more dramatic than we might think.
It may have been captured by Neptune since it formed, but Triton remains king of the Kuiper belt. Our Solar System is arguably the most well-studied corner of the Universe, with […]
What foods are women reaching for? Carbs and fats and sweets.
The Earth is warming, and humans aren’t doing nearly enough to combat it. Could partially blocking the sunlight be the solution? It’s 2020, and not only is the Earth warmer […] Where might we find aliens? Ice moons, methane oceans, and the red planet
4 min
NASA scientists have discovered three factors that influence Earth’s rotational wobble. Thankfully, while the Earth may wobble, it won’t fall down.