The old idea of running with springs on your feet gets a high-tech makeover.
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You searched for: ice
The choice of flavor may be up to you, but the number of scoops will depend on your friends.
Avi Loeb says it’s aliens. Every other astronomer disagrees. Here’s why. In 2017, an astronomical event occurred that was unlike any other: for the first time, we observed an object that […]
Learn how to get the best views no matter where you are. Every year, no matter what else is occurring on Earth or in the heavens, you can rely on two […]
There’s a flowchart if you aren’t sure. It’s a situation that comes up all too frequently: an expert in their field publicly states a conclusion that is thoroughly accepted by the […]
These tests report on more than just your risk for cilantro aversion and your ice-cream flavor preference.
As long as it remains operational, we’ll have a chance to conduct groundbreaking science with it. In the history of spaceflight, only five spacecraft ever launched by humanity possess enough energy […]
The dream of an ‘Earth-like’ planet showcases our astrobiological ignorance. Over the past decade, our understanding of what planets exist around stars other than our own has exploded. The number […]
A grim warning for the future of Iceland’s glaciers.
The bid to buy Greenland is unlikely to become seriously considered.
When searching for extraterrestrial life, astronomers may want to look at planets with hydrogen-rich atmospheres.
This map of Europe’s 20 most populous islands holds a few surprises and unlocks a truckload of trivia.
Doctors put a human into suspended animation for the first time ever.
A case for looking beyond the planetary scientist’s (or even the astronomer’s) definition. Ever since 2006, when the International Astronomical Union (IAU) officially defined the term planet — introducing the term ‘dwarf […]
How did the Antarctic explorers survive tedium in the early 1900s?
How many potentially habitable planets are there? We sincerely don’t know. One of the most compelling scientific goals humanity has set for itself is to find extraterrestrial life: biological activity originating […]
A Mars Space Flight team member warns that people need to be prepared for what’s coming.
As we embrace green solutions, nuclear should absolutely be part of the equation. For thousands upon thousands of years, humans have been harnessing the power of nature to provide energy […]
There are three possible ways we’ll find alien life. With all of these chances, the only question is which will come first. Given everything humanity has learned about the Universe, it […]
It is rare for them to form, nonetheless reach this size.
He says his company would survive even if Instagram disappeared tomorrow.
In 2006, the IAU demoted Pluto. Here’s what we know today. In 2006, the last planet in our Solar System suffered an unforgettable insult, as Pluto — known for generations as our ninth […]
If they have mass, then why don’t we see any slow-moving ones? For decades, the neutrino was among the most puzzling and elusive of cosmic particles. It took more than […]
The dream of multi-messenger astronomy is to seen an event with gravitational waves, neutrinos, and light all together. The newest candidate just might get us there. When it comes to cataclysmic […]
If your New Year’s resolution was to get in shape, signing up for the marathon is a bad way to go about it.
We just found a system that we can’t explain. Here’s what’s going on. One of the most fascinating facts about the Universe is that there’s so much of it out there. […]
It’s all about the feeding window.
And Dr. Jill Tarter never once lost her composure.
There could have been life on Mars in the past, but that’s only the beginning of the story. For as long as humanity has been watching the skies, we’ve been fascinated […]
What can the beauty of autumn’s colors teach us about mortality?