There’s nothing new, recent, or remarkable about it. It’s just a typical cosmic pebble in the galactic ocean. Last year, the interstellar interloper ʻOumuamua passed through the inner Solar System. Originally […]
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A new study shows that teenagers are increasingly experimenting with marijuana before beer or cigarettes. Is that a good thing?
Elon Musk and SpaceX plan an “internet in space” consisting of 11,295 satellites that are about to begin launching.
The capabilities on this thing are both impressive and worrisome.
The United States has 5 per cent of the world’s population but 25 per cent of its prisoners. Right now, 2.2 million people are locked up across the country, and […]
In recent months, Russian ships have been spotted near the underwater cables that enable telecommunications service between North America and overseas nations.
Countries with top-down power hierarchies get things done quickly—but they just can’t last.
8 min
It’s no secret that American income inequality is at its worst point since the gilded age. So how do we stop this rampant inequality?
6 min
El Castillo, a pyramid in Mexico, was built in such a way that the “snake of sunlight” would slither down its steps at the dawning of each equinox, as the sun rose into the sky.
Forty percent of Americans get less than seven hours of sleep per night. But there’s another key ingredient we’re missing: dreams.
New research spots a remarkable meeting of Jupiter’s jet streams and its magnetic field and proposes that it may contain the explanation for the planets’ striking cloud patterns.
Postmodernists like to question the very foundations of our modern society. Does this make them anti-science?
Microsoft is experimenting with underwater data centers that could cut cooling costs and provide faster internet connections to the billions of people who live near oceans.
MIT researchers have designed a fleet of autonomous boats that offer high manoeuvrability and precise control.
It’s becoming more clear what the root cause of Parkinson’s is, and the solution may be farther south than the brain, nestled in our gut microbiome.
Does your kid ask “Why” all the time? Do you want to help them search for answers to the big questions but don’t know how? Here are a few ways to encourage your little philosopher.
It’s not a head-to-head study comparison, since there are major differences, but it might just provide a lot more clues.
Punishment has been a human universal, because it has been in our evolutionary interests. But those evolutionary impulses are crude guides to how we should deal with offenders in contemporary society.
Poachers trade on a black market estimated to total $40 billion. It’s impossible to stop every poacher, but new technology could bolster the efforts of conservationists by putting a set of eyes in the sky.
A little kindness goes a long way. Not being mean goes longer.
Rates of centenarians are going to increase eightfold in the next three decades.
It will be the most extreme test of Einstein’s General Relativity ever. And we already have the data. With every year that goes by, the total amount of knowledge that humanity […]
Somewhere out there, perhaps in another place and time, there’s a person who looks like your identical twin stranger — at least to an untrained observer.
Hungary’s Two-Tailed Dog Party campaigns on an ‘anti-anti-immigration platform, with slogans such as: “Sorry about our Prime Minister”, and “Feel free to come to Hungary, we already work in England anyway!”
AI may help organizations overcome unconscious biases in hiring and increase diversity.
There are many arguments over what makes a theory beautiful, elegant, or compelling. But in the face of data, predictive power is everything. When you look at any phenomenon in […]
The ‘big discovery’ is nothing of the kind. We need a new planet-finding mission to probe the next frontier. Last week, NASA dropped a bombshell that it’s Kepler mission — the greatest […]
Walmart announced Wednesday that it will pay for its 1.4 million employees to attend college, a move that could help the company’s tainted image.
Brett M. Kavanaugh and Christine Blasey Ford, one of three women who’s accused him of sexual assault, are due to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday.
Neural network learns speech patterns that predict depression in clinical interviews.