Aiming for the nearest star would necessitate a whole slew of advances. Even if the mission fails, humanity wins by investing in itself. There have been some magnificent moments in NASA […]
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You searched for: Systems
There’s a big difference between evidence and wishful thinking. The story of how life arose on Earth is one of the great mysteries of modern science. We know, in many […]
How did Michael Jackson accomplish the famous antigravity tilt? Three neurosurgeons (and MJ fans) dissect the dynamics.
What if entanglement also occurs across time? Is there such a thing as temporal nonlocality?
Hitler and other Nazis were fond of a strange theory that the world was made of ice.
In his new book, Nick Chater writes that what we see is what we get.
If we don’t invest in learning about the Universe, we aren’t going to learn very much. Every ten years, the field of astronomy and astrophysics undergoes a Decadal Survey. This charts […]
A new study suggests using “rough scheduling” for leisure activities to avoid making even fun feel like work.
Those with prediabetes or type-2 diabetes shouldn’t fear eggs anymore, researchers say.
Binary stars and common envelope evolution illustrate messy but “tasty” science.
It takes an average of 7.5 months to build a single-family home. A Ukrainian startup has cut that timeframe down to just 8 hours.
Authoritarian regimes have had a long history of targeting intellectuals who don’t agree with them. What kind of people get deported? We have a list of ten people whose work got them shipped out of Russia.
A complex biological system must work in concert for gaze detection to occur.
Simple diagrams reflect straightforward grids that make navigation easy. Complex diagrams equal ‘messy’ street grids, making it harder to find your way.
A new set of images from NASA’s Chandra X-ray observatory shows us what we’ve never seen before. The Pillars of Creation, 7,000 light years away in the Eagle Nebula, represents one […]
Could famous sinkings and disappearances in the Bermuda Triangle have been prevented by advanced contemporary technology?
You are who you are because of your environment. What happens in a virtual world in an environment created by another mind?
Quantum interpretations are all the rage. Too bad you don’t even need one. In everyday life, there are certain rules we take for granted: cause-and-effect, for instance. Something occurs, and that […]
In 2016, Facebook employees were just 33% female and 2% black; YouTube employees were 30% women and 2% black; Apple employees were 32% women and 9% black; Google employees were 31% women and 2% black.
This new pill could make it easier for people to stick to the treatment.
In 1987, we detected neutrinos from another galaxy in a supernova. After a 30 year wait, we’ve found something even better. One of the great mysteries in science is determining not […]
Northwestern scientists believe they may have a way of wiping out heart disease for good.
By training algorithms on human data, they learn our biases.
Predictive policing introduces a scientific element to law enforcement decisions, such as whether to investigate or detain, how long to sentence, and whether to parole.
With 1.6 billion households in the world, how does Santa do it? With a little Christmas magic… and a lot of science! How does Santa Claus do it? In one long […]
Complex problems undermine the very principle of meritocracy: the idea that the ‘best person’ should be hired. There is no best person.
Imagined memory palaces are still used by memory champions and the few who practice the memory arts, but they are best known from Greco-Roman times.
The flying drone attack marks one of the latest cases in which criminals have been using consumer models to facilitate illegal activity.
Churches and religious organizations are tax-exempt. Should they continue to get such a benefit?
What causes the urban-rural cultural divide? According to this author, its how we view our communities.