After a long 10-month period in which the word “innovation” seemed to be deleted entirely from the lexicon of Corporate America’s middle managers and top executives, I’ve been spotting more […]
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Even during a recession, pockets of innovation are forming across the country. Business Week recently put together a great pictorial feature on 75 of America’s Most Promising Start Ups. Some […]
Spurred by the growing mass-market acceptance of the Kindle e-book reader and the launch of the 800-pound Espresso print-on-demand machine, the publishing world is continuing to evolve in response to […]
Without a doubt, Bruce Sterling is one of the leading visionary thinkers helping to shape the future of innovation. Ever since the 1970s, he’s been imagining the future and sharing […]
n Pop!Tech 2008 Visualization from Tom Wujec on Vimeo. Over at Mashable, Josh Catone has compiled a great list of the Top 7 Places to Watch Great Minds in Action. […]
Throughout 2009, Starbucks has been making waves about how much it is changing in response to new consumer spending patterns. First, it was the announcement that it planned to revisit […]
n Browsing the local magazine newsstand over the weekend, I was struck by how many “Dangerous Ideas” are out there in the business, political and cultural worlds, ready for public […]
At first glance, this futuristic Mission One Superbike looks like a cross between Batman’s tricked-out motorcycle from The Dark Knight and something from an Extreme X Games competition. In reality, […]
The Internet recently celebrated its 40th anniversary — although to many of us in the social media world it feels like the Internet was just born yesterday. In many ways, […]
n So many business terms that we take for granted – like “survival of the fittest” – are actually based on Charles Darwin’s seminal work on the ways that species […]
In almost two weeks, comedian Jay Leno will be making his debut on a live comedy show to air at 10 pm. Not content to rest on his laurels, Jay […]
n Within the tech world, the explosive growth of Twitter has (literally) been front page news over the past six months, with Twitter appearing on the cover of TIME Magazine […]
Lost in all the hoopla about the new blogger guidelines on endorsements and testimonials is the rather important issue of celebrity endorsements. Given a narrow interpretation of the FTC Guidelines, […]
One of the most compelling arguments for getting an iPhone rather than any other smart phone was always the size and robustness of the Apple app store. In just the […]
Other than maybe “cloud computing” (which I still don’t really get) and mobile computing (in all of its permutations, but especially on the iPhone), it’s hard to think of a […]
n The guiding manifesto of Web 2.0 has always been that the Next Gen Internet will be participatory, inclusive and inherently democratic. What’s not to love? However, is it possible […]
n In the latest issue of MIT Sloan Management Review, Erik Brynjolfsson and Michael Schrage discuss what faster innovation means for corporate America. In short, companies are able to test […]
Brooklyn-based Kickstarter enables people to “crowd-fund” new artistic projects (books, movies, films, etc.) and then follow along the progress of the project through regular updates. In my first-ever Kickstarter project, […]
WIRED Magazine recently commissioned Italian design firm Density Design to create a Map of the Future based on the scenarios developed by the Institute For The Future in Palo Alto, […]
Chances are, you’re at least familiar with “the singularity” even if you’ve never picked up Ray Kurzweil’s book or read anything at all about “transhumanism” or “augmented reality” or HET […]
In its first-ever edition of The 27 Brave Thinkers Who are Shaping the Future, The Atlantic magazine takes a closer look at the creative — and often courageous — thinkers […]
n In an op-ed piece for the New York Times, Thomas Friedman riffs on American economic competitiveness and the state of our nation’s educational system. Friedman suggests that companies are […]
Mr. McGuire: I want to say one word to you. Just one word. Benjamin: Yes, sir. Mr. McGuire: Are you listening? Benjamin: Yes, I am. Mr. McGuire: Plastics. Benjamin: Just […]
The traditional view of global innovation is that innovation from developed markets eventually “trickles down” to emerging markets in the form of lower-end, less-sophisticated products at lower price points. Think […]
n Until last week, it was easy to think of iPhone apps more as a distribution channel, less as a full-fledged business that deep-pocketed venture capitalists would attempt to bring […]
The Baby Boomer Generation has had a disproportionate economic and cultural impact on nearly every trend of the past 40 years, so why not the Internet? Of late, there’s been […]
One of the best articles that I’ve read about innovation this week actually had absolutely nothing at all to do with business innovation — at least on the surface. Hannah […]
I’ve been playing around with a staggeringly impressive presentation tool called Prezi. Above, I’ve uploaded a brief look at some of the DIGITAL TRENDS that I see coming to the […]
NPR Digital Think In Ed Cotton of Influx Insights recently highlighted an interesting experiment by global innovation firm Frog Design to spearhead new thinking about the future at NPR. Frog […]
Digital marketing agencies have been celebrating the winter holidays in a number of innovative ways in 2009. Social Media Mashup has a comprehensive rundown of the websites, applications, Twitter tools […]