Despite the levelling force of the Revolution, France is still very diverse – often in weird and surprising ways
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You searched for: strange maps
The Toscanelli map grossly underestimated the Earth’s circumference (and left out America)
This poster cleverly plays on the half-remembered geological truth that the Atlantic Ocean, at some distant point in the past, really was a very narrow body of water.
If most maps are like meat and potatoes, these are like fruit and dessert
Squeezed in between two occupation zones, the locals opted for independence – and smuggling.
Is there a link between Andy Warhol’s fifteen minutes of fame and the tragicomic history of Carpatho-Ukraine?
Genetically speaking, Finns and Italians are the most atypical Europeans. There is a large degree of overlap between other European ethnicities, but not up to the point where they would […]
Tilt your map 90 degrees to the right, and the elephant reveals itself
Europe’s most powerful country is annexed out of existence by its neighbours
This conspiracy map shows a world in which all national armies police places far from home, as a way of enforcing World Government.
The floorplan was “drawn from notes taken while reading all 60 Sherlock Holmes stories twice in a row“
“This map makes clear the Nazi design, not only against South America but against the United States as well”, said FDR
This cartographic predator was born in 1583, and would be cut in half barely 65 years later
The McFarthest place is somewhere in South Dakota
America’s demographic centre of gravity has been moving steadily eastward for over 200 years
Brexit lends a renewed poignancy to Gillray’s scatological cartoon
Even one of the world’s most comically small countries can look back on centuries of territorial bigness.
Vital statistics of Napoleon’s deadliest campaign
111 years ago, San Francisco was almost wiped off the map
This map, indicating the varying degrees of blondness in Europe, shows how fair hair gets rarer further away from this core area – towards the south, as one intuitively might presume.
The Farto was just one of over three hundred ships to meet its end on this obscure, crescent-shaped wandering sandbank
Meet Kentucky’s western exclave, courtesy of the Mississippi
The only fictional map to feature prominently in the Three Stooges body of work
Europe shocked as leaked map reveals secret plan for Belgian domination
Almost ten years after its first publication, are the predictions in this book any closer to coming true?
Where we are determines who we are – and what we drink