This discovery could lead to not only a better understanding of our evolution but to new treatment options for schizophrenics.
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This could change everything we know about gravity and universal expansion.
Results are among the strongest evidence yet for “spooky action at a distance.”rnrn
Reddit can reveal a lot, depending on how you interpret the data.
Surprisingly, the evidence points towards the existence of the unobservable multiverse. But it isn’t the answer you’re looking for. “We are all agreed that your theory is crazy. The question that […]
In collaboration with the Clinton Global Initiative University
Of all the experiments performed and measurements made involving fundamental particles, none has ever violated the Standard Model. Until now. If there’s one thing you can count on physicists for, it’s […]
Hubble, even at its best, only reveals perhaps 10% of what’s out there. Here’s how we get the rest. When you gaze up at the night sky, through the veil of […]
Starbucks is only the latest example of a very old systemic problem. Are these trainings effective?
Every physical theory has constants in it. The gravitational constant is remarkably uncertain. When we first began formulating physical laws, we did so empirically: through experiments. Drop a ball off […]
Illumination from nanobionic plants might one day replace some electrical lighting.
Smart connected devices finding their way into million of’ homes are being taken over by domestic abusers, allowing them to invade and disrupt victims’ lives in a new, terrifying way
Google’s recent AI technology that can mimic humans is raising ethical concerns.
Artificial intelligence continues to tackle jobs traditionally performed by humans. However, our cognitive biases will challenge our ability to effectively integrate AI into human teams.
Scientists are supposed to reach their conclusions after doing research and weighing the evidence but, in economics, conclusions can come first, with economists supporting a thesis that fits their moral worldview.
Jeff Bezos is now worth a record $112 billion. Yes, billion with a “b”.
To help dramatize the need for us to open our minds about the potential nature of extraterrestrial life, experimental philosopher Jonathon Keats has built instruments and composed music for aliens.
And you don’t even need a Delorean at 88 MPH. It’s one of the greatest tropes in movies, literature, and television shows: the idea that we could travel back in time […]
Dr. Alex Berezow talks about the importance of communicating science in a clear and accurate way and why he turns to religion for the answers to some questions.
Black holes in these environments could combine repeatedly to form objects bigger than anything a single star could produce.
Instead of nearly-circular ellipses, comets are extraordinarily elongated, or even on an exit path. Why so different? When you look at how the planets orbit in our Solar System, the […]
You’ve probably seen it hanging around. But how did it get there? And can we live there?
Researchers find an unexpected side effect of rising carbon dioxide levels in a remote tropical forest.
Burnout has three major characteristics: emotional and physical exhaustion, a cynical attitude towards people at work, and a feeling that you’re no longer accomplishing anything worthwhile.
Plogging represents the intersection of personal and ecological health.
There’s no way to frame this as anything other than a disaster for humanity. This article was originally written one week ago, on the day the FY2019 budget was released […]
What do our future missions in physics, astronomy, astrophysics and more hold? If you went back in time just 30 years, the world as we it was a completely different place. […]
“Earth to lunar surface… my, you’re looking very high definition today!”
This usually occurs inside the hottest places in the universe, such as in the heart of a supernova.
Free meals turn out to be powerful incentives for prescribing opioids, according to a new letter published in JAMA.