A massive nuclear fusion experiment just hit a major milestone, potentially putting us a little closer to a future of limitless clean energy.
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Ironically, the company did so using technology perfected by the oil industry.
Decades ago, a disaster left three million acres of land uninhabitable and killed between 85,600 and 240,000 people. Chernobyl? No. Banqiao dam in China.
For well over a century, engineers have proposed harnessing the ocean’s tides for energy. But the idea hasn’t seemed to register in many places.
Explore data on electric car sales and stocks worldwide.
Experiments on suborbital rockets are revealing how to make a better iron furnace.
The term “zero-point energy” has at least two meanings, one that is innocuous and one that is a great deal sexier (and scammier).
A new hypothesis accuses the simple sugar of wrecking energy metabolism.
Apart from the energy needed to flip the switch, no other energy is needed to transmit the information.
The material is both stronger and lighter than those used to make conventional power plant turbines.
Einstein’s most famous equation is E = mc², which describes the rest mass energy inherent to particles. But motion matters for energy, too.
When leaders embrace positive personal energy, everyone feels the benefits — in trust, innovation and creativity.
Figuring out the answer involved a prism, a pail of water, and a 50 year effort by the most famous father-son astronomer duo ever.
Quantum mechanics has taught us that even empty space contains energy. “Negative energy” is the state of having less energy than empty space.
Dark energy is one of the biggest mysteries in all the Universe. Is there any way to avoid “having to live with it?”
All forms of energy affect the expanding Universe. But if matter and radiation slow the expansion down, how does dark energy speed it up?
More than any other equation in physics, E = mc² is recognizable and profound. But what do we actually learn about reality from it?
There may be more energy in methane hydrates than in all the world’s oil, coal, and gas combined. It could be the perfect “bridge fuel” to a clean energy future.
The galactic center is home to the most powerful engine in the Milky Way: a supermassive black hole. How does its energy ultimately escape?
The futuristic weapon could be ready for the battlefield in 5 years.
You are an energy field — but not the “chakras” or “auras” kind.
The robot can drive heavy steal beams into the ground at a rate of 1 per 73 seconds, which will help expedite solar farm construction.
A recent paper in the journal Physical Review Letters claims to prove that a “kugelblitz” is not possible.
Capacitors, acid batteries, and other methods of storing electric charges all lose energy over time. These gravity-fed batteries won’t.
The standard picture of our Universe is that it’s dominated by dark matter and dark energy. But this alternative is also worth considering.
These theoretical megastructures represent one way an advanced civilization might harvest energy from stars.
Early on, only matter and radiation were important for the expanding Universe. After a few billion years, dark energy changed everything.
Here’s what recent DESI measurements suggest — and why it’s too early to update conventional predictions about the Universe’s distant future.
Scientists have been chasing the dream of harnessing the reactions that power the Sun since the dawn of the atomic era. Interest, and investment, in the carbon-free energy source is heating up.
If the electromagnetic and weak forces unify to make the electroweak force, maybe, at higher energies, something even grander happens?