Gravitational waves carry enormous amounts of energy, but spread out quickly once they leave the source. Could they ever create black holes?
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From forming bound states to normal scattering, many possibilities abound for matter-antimatter interactions. So why do they annihilate?
As the Sun ages, it loses mass, causing Earth to spiral outward in its orbit. Will that cool the Earth down, or will other effects win out?
Scientists have been chasing the dream of harnessing the reactions that power the Sun since the dawn of the atomic era. Interest, and investment, in the carbon-free energy source is heating up.
The highest-energy particles could be a sign of new, unexpected physics. But the simplest, most mundane explanation is particularly iron-ic.
You are an energy field — but not the “chakras” or “auras” kind.
For every proton, there were over a billion others that annihilated away with an antimatter counterpart. So where did all that energy go?
CERN’s NA64 experiment used a high-energy muon beam technique to advance the elusive search for dark matter, offering new hope for solving one of astronomy’s greatest mysteries.
Quantum mechanics has taught us that even empty space contains energy. “Negative energy” is the state of having less energy than empty space.
One of the fundamental constants of nature, the fine-structure constant, determines so much about our Universe. Here’s why it matters.
The robot can drive heavy steal beams into the ground at a rate of 1 per 73 seconds, which will help expedite solar farm construction.
If you bring too much mass or energy together in one location, you’ll inevitably create a black hole. So why didn’t the Big Bang become one?
Today, the deepest depths of intergalactic space aren’t at absolute zero, but at a chill 2.73 K. How does that temperature change over time?
Retrofitting America’s aging dams for hydropower — while removing ecologically harmful ones — may be a productive path forward.
A $30,000 electric vehicle with 400 miles of range that charges in under 10 minutes remains a pipe dream over the near future.
When we divide matter into its fundamental, indivisible components, are those particles truly point-like, or is there a finite minimum size?
And can we run the grid of the future without AI?
We need more data centers for AI. Developers are getting creative about where to build them.
A look back at the rise of solar power in the US and what’s next.
From the earliest stages of the hot Big Bang (and even before) to our dark energy-dominated present, how and when did the Universe grow up?
Welcome to The Nightcrawler — a weekly newsletter from Eric Markowitz covering tech, innovation, and long-term thinking.
The Universe is expanding, and the Hubble constant tells us how fast. But how can it be a constant if the expansion is accelerating?
As wind power grows around the world, so does the threat the turbines pose to wildlife. From simple fixes to high-tech solutions, new approaches can help.
Energy balance is the greatest arbiter of weight gain. Embrace the “oinker diet.”
The Universe isn’t just expansion, but the expansion itself is accelerating. So why can’t we feel it in any measurable way?
Capacitors, acid batteries, and other methods of storing electric charges all lose energy over time. These gravity-fed batteries won’t.
First derived by Emmy Noether, for every symmetry a theory possesses, there’s an associated conserved quantity. Here’s the profound link.
Black holes are the most massive individual objects, spanning up to a light-day across. So how do they make jets that affect the cosmic web?
McDermitt Caldera, the site of an ancient volcanic eruption, straddles the border of Oregon and Nevada.
Electromagnetism, both nuclear forces, and even the Higgs force are mediated by known bosons. What about gravity? Does it require gravitons?