Scientists propose an out-of-the-box theory about why the world has no more than three dimensions.
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Signals from rare black hole-neutron star pairs could pinpoint rate at which universe is growing, researchers say.
A new study shows how increased coffee consumption interacts with the endocannabinoid system, which the body uses to process cannabinoids found in marijuana.
A children’s hospital is “the first of many solar + storage projects going live” on the island, Elon Musk announced.
Including where to go, and when, for the most spectacular views. Against the backdrop of a dark, clear night sky, you can see the Moon, planets, stars, the Milky Way, […]
Global warming and climate change is already reshaping coastlines due to higher waters. Pretty soon our next big cities will have to be at sea. But how will they make sustainable food?
8 min
A cosmic controversy is back, and at least one camp — perhaps both — is making an unidentified error. Ever since Hubble first discovered the relationship between a galaxy’s distance and its motion away […]
Most people will experience feelings of deep loss and distress after a long-term relationship breakup.
In this radical view, the universe is a giant supercomputer processing particles as bits.
If you can’t explain the astrophysical signal that you see and cry ‘dark matter,’ chances are you’re not thinking hard enough. Despite our knowledge of the laws of physics, and the […]
If you’ve ever wondered which part of physics covers which part of space, fret no more. Here is an awesome map that lays it all out.
Some of us can adjust our moods by listening to certain types of music we know will affect us. This survey looks at the music Americans turn to for mood modification.
How the gravitational Casimir effect might cause our Universe’s accelerated expansion, without any new physics at all. “For although it is certainly true that quantitative measurements are of great importance, it […]
Finding Opportunity Where Others Think It’s Impossible In this video for Big Think+, Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, talks about how opportunity isn’t based on “disruption for […]
Multitasking has been shown to diminish our ability to learn, stress us out, and kill our productivity. Here are some techniques to limit multitasking and help us regain our lost time.
Think the increase in revenue will influence some farmers to make the switch?
Finding a warm-hot intergalactic plasma is amazing! But we still need dark matter just as much as ever. “There are stars leaving the Milky Way, and immense gas clouds falling […]
The scientists have traced the signals to just 180 million years after the Big Bang, making the detection the earliest evidence of hydrogen yet observed.
Think we’ll just responsibly choose more fuel efficient vehicles, and the market will take care of the rest? Good luck with that. Since the first oil crisis of the 1970s, there […]
Our always-on culture has us working harder, doing more, and sleeping less. While the health ailments of sleep deprivation are well known, a study by Rand Europe shows that it is costing the economy as well, with the U.S. estimated to lose up to $434 billion in 2020.
By 2020, China plans to assign each of its 1.4 billion citizens a “social credit score” that could determine what certain people are allowed to do.
CDP releases its 2017 A-List, that reveals more companies making serious efforts to combat climate change.
These chemicals are also widely used in products like clothing, shoes, wrappers and furniture, to make them more stain-resistant, waterproof and/or nonstick.
Thanks to genetic engineering, a child can now have three parents. But is it a good idea?
Nothing can escape from a black hole… but could another black hole pull something out? Once you fall into the event horizon of a black hole, you can never escape. […]
Measuring quantum gravity has proven extremely challenging, stymying some of the greatest minds in physics for generations.
Life never ceases to surprise, even when faced with the unforgiving environment of space.
Since 2016, the exoplanet Proxima b has been a top candidate in the search for alien life. But new findings show that a stellar flare might have scorched that hope entirely.
Digital disruptions have never been more intrusive, making concentration and focus more important than ever. Learning to say “no” to distractions has a good historical track record.
7 min
The first step is recognizing that physical, mental, and emotional health are interconnected.