A solution to the problem of internet trolls may evolve that will protect us from them, but also from the free exchange of ideas.
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October had one, November will have one and December will have one, too. What’s the science of Supermoons? “The supermoon is a 16-inch pizza compared with a 15-inch pizza. It’s […]
Despite recent bad press, Tesla’s autopilot likely saved the life of a man who experienced a severe medical condition while driving. He asked his car to drive him to the nearest hospital.
The history and reasoning behind the much-maligned Electoral College.
Think Saturn is the only ringed world? The story is far better than that! “The phenomena of nature, especially those that fall under the inspection of the astronomer, are to be […]
Now that we know the closest star has a potentially habitable planet, it’s time to ask if it’s really like ours. “To consider the Earth as the only populated world in […]
A group of German researchers are developing a way for robots to process pain. This “artificial robot nervous system” is designed to allow the robots to “feel” and avoid further unwanted stimulus.
Radioactive crystals left behind by ancient bacteria tell us about a long-ago supernova nearby.
Japanese car maker introduces self-driving chairs to eliminate lines.
Tesla announced it’s semi-autonomous Autopilot system was involved in its first deadly crash on May 7, 2016. This marks the first fatality involving an autonomous vehicle. However, this tragedy should not hinder progress.
The just-passed federal Better Online Ticket Sales (BOTS) Act makes it illegal for ticket scalpers to acquire tickets using software bots.
Most of the foods we consume are created for the supermarket shelf, not for our health, says psychiatrist Drew Ramsey. But you can boost your brain function and overall well-being with this one very low-tech, analogue tool: your grocery list.
10 min
NASA tests the engine for the most powerful rocket ever built, designed for deep-space missions.
Rutin can increase the number of calories burned in a workout.
Something isn’t right about the Universe without something extra. So why can’t scientists agree on what that “extra” thing is? “All we know so far is what doesn’t work.” –Richard Feynman […]
Death, politics and war – but also Dirty Grandpas, supermoons and all-day breakfasts
A baby is born from a controversial procedure that combines DNA from 3 people.
In his new book, James Hamblin looks at how we treat our bodies, internally and externally.
NYC health officials estimate that fine particulate matter, often inhaled while biking or running in the city, contributes to nearly 2,000 premature deaths and more than 6,000 hospital visits per year.
If you gazed up at the Perseids, you’ll want to appreciate the fact that we’re still here. “Honestly, if you’re given the choice between Armageddon or tea, you don’t say ‘what […]
Which came first, monogamy or the social contract? Evolutionary psychologists and biologists think the latter.
This particular type of gene therapy gave mice younger bodies and 30% longer lifespans.
Philip Morris is looking to wind back manufacture of its traditional cigarettes in favor of e-cigs. Why? Because the younger demographic is hooked.
Electronics factory workers in Shenzen have a their own manufacturing scene going at night.
You wouldn’t know it, but plants are constantly taking in information.
In a world that’s always connected, we give away an essential part of our selves with constant distractions.
Our special place on the planet becomes harder to stomach the more we destroy it.
Move over, cigarettes: ramen is the new king of prison currency. A new study for the American Sociological Association found that inmates are using the cheap food as currency.
The Justice Department announces the end of privately run Bureau of Prisons jails, and activists are excited.
How do you fool a robot? It’s not difficult—machines are only good at what we tell them to do. But even still, many parts of our world may not be “readable” to some robots.