Previous studies suggest that intuitive thinking and spirituality are intertwined. Researchers put this to the test.
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Are there really no good action and adventure films anymore, or is there an inherent bias toward them?
Innovation training programs are meant to help companies be more agile—by increasing adaptability in the face of new and disruptive challenges in their respective industries and by coming up with […]
We don’t know what causes migraines. But this new theory ties a lot of things together.
Half the pain of paying taxes is having no control over where it goes. This Harvard professor has a great idea to give people more of a voice… and it involves just a very slight change in something as boring as a parking ticket.
4 min
Studies and Facebook creators are seeing social media in a much more negative light.
Dark energy tells us that the Universe’s expansion is accelerating. Here’s what that means for our disappearing Universe. One of the biggest surprises for humanity about the Universe is that […]
New research on mice at UCLA could hold a key for humans with sleep disorders.
Cartesian vortices are *so* 17-th century.
See if these practices can improve your life.
Did Elon Musk invent Bitcoin? The mystery surrounding the creator of the world’s most popular cryptocurrency deepens.
With five moons orbiting it, Pluto is the richest rocky world known to date. How did it get that way? “We really expect the mission to be transformational. This is the […]
Amid all the troubling stats about flu season, here’s a little bit of positive news from Georgia State University.
What was going on in the world of health and strange bodily functions?
This study is radically changing how we view the process of evolution.
While we often criticize the humanities for not providing an education that leads directly to employment, one philosopher argues they have an even more important role to play in our societies.
Girl babies may have one distinct advantage over boy babies. But what is it?
Forty percent of Americans sleep less than seven hours per night, and that’s a problem.
“We’re coming to understand the basic building blocks of personality,” Dr. Fisher said.
Nietzsche has had a large influence on political history, but what did he really think of all the ideologies he examined?
As more research on psychedelics appears, we need to take their therapeutic potential seriously.
An MIT astronomer famously explained why aliens haven’t contacted us yet.
Researchers for the U.S. military are studying salamanders and other animals to discover how they can regrow lost body parts.
New research from the American Psychological Association states that money doesn’t affect if you’re happy, but does influence how you find happiness.
Philosophers like to present their works as if everything before it was wrong. Sometimes, they even say they have ended the need for more philosophy. So, what happens when somebody realizes they were mistaken?
For just a year’s worth of US Military budget, we could transform the world. The United States spends more on military spending than the next ten nations combined: an estimated $600 […]
A new conception of quantum mechanics rests on the idea that parallel universes exist, and that they interact with our own to create weird and wonderful quantum phenomena.
Here’s what Israel Guillen learned about life by studying 8 hours a day during his 22-year prison sentence.
8 min
There are four main traits of temperament and two subsets of each. Which are you?
We often like to consider the ideas of great thinkers when looking at an issue. To that end, Albert Einstein once wrote an essay explaining why he was a socialist. We break it down here.