Anxiety is now the number one disorder on the planet. Yet it’s oddly ignored from public conversation.
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Canadian researchers have successfully reconstructed faces from data in brain scans.
The idea of self-actualization can seem like new-age woo. Where’s the science behind it?
Lise Feldman Barrett says emotional harm is worse for your health than physical harm. The legal system needs to catch up to the science.
Technology has grown by leaps and bounds over the last few generations. In the early 1960s, computer mainframes the size of semi-truck trailers that used transistors were considered cutting-edge because […]
The study had some interesting findings for the adult children of separated parents who were civil.
Designed for a 90-day mission each, dust killed the overachieving Spirit and threatens to now kill Opportunity. But it didn’t have to be this way. In 2004, NASA launched two exploration […]
Infographics tally up our holiday mishaps.
Could it simply be pleasure for its own sake?
A.I. will bring a series of social and financial changes, and it will force us to confront a problem we’ve been avoiding for much too long, says Joscha Bach.
5 min
Thousands of scientists from 184 countries have endorsed an open letter that outlines some of the Earth’s most pressing environmental problems.
In the search for fundamental truths in our Universe, one of the biggest questions, “are space and time continuous or discrete,” remains unanswered. Throughout the history of science, one of […]
It’s so much more than mass-energy equivalence; it’s the key to unlocking the quantum Universe. For hundreds of years, there was an immutable law of physics that was never challenged: […]
With the American prison system coming under fire for being inhumane, could philosophy provide some much needed compassion to its prisoners?
Social media addiction may be on the rise. Surprisingly, there’s been very little research on it.
People often argue that most Western societies have achieved gender equality. Despite this, feminists continue to argue that the battle is not yet won.
The establishment of a colony on Mars seems inevitable given just how many groups are drawing up plans for the red planet. NASA intends on sending manned expeditions in the […]
A new study highlights how blockchain technology can be a game-changer in education.
It is still true that far more men than women have leading roles in many organisations.
Last week, Cassini plunged into Saturn’s atmosphere. Here are the top 6 things we learned from it while it was alive. “Being a scientist and staring immensity and eternity in the […]
After a 16 year wait, the star SO-2 will speed past our galaxy’s supermassive black hole at 2.5% the speed of light. It will be the first-of-its-kind test of Einstein’s […]
How relatable was Trump’s speech? To evaluate this objectively, you could look at what reading level it was at.
Every professional organization of scientists has a code of ethics and/or conduct. Why not apply it to their journals? When it comes to exploring the Universe, many young people get […]
Neuroscientists discover networks of neurons that stretch or compress their activity to control timing Anne Trafton | MIT News Office Timing is critical for playing a musical instrument, swinging a […]
“Global capitalism and local traditions are no longer opposites, they are on the same side,” says Slavoj Zizek. The traditions of anti-capitalist protest are upended by this fact.
The U.S. State Department’s “Countries of Concern” include North Korea, Myanmar, and more. But how close is America itself to earning a place on the list?
The genius investor hits an optimistic note in a time of dire fiscal predictions.
Just like everything else in life, good health is all about timing.
Onboard Elon Musks’s Tesla Roadster were hidden the first books of of a library in space.
If emissions don’t go down, there’s still an option for combatting global warming. We just have to effectively dim the Sun. Global climate change is one of the most pressing long-term […]