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New psychological research suggests that psychopaths are attracted to others with their same disposition.
Can the keto diet really help people combat acne, cancer and “brain fog”?
Whether or not there are tropical islands in 50 years might depend on whether or not we can eat fewer hamburgers.
And do they fundamentally describe our entire Universe, or do we require something else? The Universe we perceive and view, all around us, isn’t representative of what actually exists at […]
Despite itself, this collection of awful cartography may just make a few useful observations.
Three commercially released facial-analysis programs from major technology companies demonstrate both skin-type and gender biases, according to new research.
According to the study, for every extra day a student experienced sleep problems, they were 10% more likely to drop a course.
Take one long stroll, four times a week.
Einstein’s explanation is the only one that works. When Newton first proposed the law of universal gravitation, it marked the very first time that we realized the same rule governing how […]
Who needs a hole in the head? As it turns out, lots of people in ancient hospitals did. Why was one society so good at keeping people alive after it opened up their skulls?
“The best is the child in a separate room, where it then remains alone,” a bestselling Nazi-era parenting book advised.
Sedna could be the very first known object from the Inner Oort Cloud. But time is running out to create and launch a mission. In 2003, scientists discovered an object beyond […]
In his final years, Martin Luther King, Jr. become increasingly focused on the problem of poverty in America.
Gut bacteria play an important role in how you feel and think and how well your body fights off disease. New research shows that exercise can give your gut bacteria a boost.
Researchers at Cornell found through new experiments that people will overlook dishonesty if it benefits them and the group they identify with.
Researchers discover extraterrestrial origins of a chemical essential for human DNA and other cell processes.
Geneticists figure out how elephants keep from getting cancer.
The renowned linguist and controversial political critic said President Donald Trump is choosing to race toward the catastrophes of climate change.
What an academic sting on humanities journals really means to the rest of us. And to academia.
The first planets were only gas. The second included rocky ones, but life wasn’t possible. Here’s how we finally got there. Here in the Universe today, potentially habitable planets are practically […]
The new offices will be built in New York’s Long Island City and Viriginia’s Arlington.
Ocean Conservancy has collected more than 60 million butts since the ’80s.
Iceland just passed a law that changes its organ donor program from ‘opt-in’ to ‘opt-out’, a move that effectively turns every citizen into a donor unless otherwise specified.
Your fate is only rarely determined at birth. Ultimately, every star has a chance to get there. Three times in the past 1,000 years, a portion of humanity has looked up […]
The incredible story of a scientist who survived gulags, fighting to change his country and physics.
A joint study from U.S. and U.K. universities shows promising results in reducing the rate of cognitive decline.
The cosmic story of us, from before the Big Bang until today, is a story that all of us share. Enjoy it, in just 200 words. In the beginning, there was […]
… and also the return of the (mini) Mac.