Is the Land of Oz located on a retrograde planet?
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You searched for: Ocean
If other continents have large inland river systems, why wouldn’t Australia?
Magma mixing triggers eruptions at Mt. Hood, lava flows slowing at Kalapana, Taal alert lowered and the plumes of Vanuatu.
A Pacific counterpart to Atlantis, Mu is supposed to have been a large continent in the middle of the ocean and the home of an advanced civilisation, having sunk beneath the […]
They even made it through the Northwest Passage
A treasure map of the voyage to sobriety
The pessimist mourns the glass’s half-emptiness, the optimist rejoices that it’s semi-full and the engineer just thinks the glass is twice the size it should be. What would a space […]
This map is from the Agile Rabbit Book of Historical and Curious Maps (Pepin Press, 2005). It’s a British map dating from 1897, explaining geographical terms by showing them in […]
Border weirdness on the Arabian peninsula
The recent retreat of Arctic sea ice is likely to accelerate so rapidly that the Arctic Ocean could become nearly devoid of ice during summertime as early as 2040, according […]
n One could call it cautionary cartography, this map of a thoroughly germanified New York – something that might have happened in an alternate universe, where the Nazis not only […]
NASA is in a catch 22 situation. Five years ago, Congress mandated by law that NASA should track 90% of all of the dangerous asteroids and comets that may threaten […]
As insolvable problems go, it’s right up there with attempts to square the circle. Try as you might, it is impossible to render a three-dimensional object (the Earth, say) on […]
Some evidence of activity at Russia’s Gorely, officials shoo climbers off Mayon, the continued saga of the oil tanks near Redoubt and tremors under Ngauruhoe? (UPDATED: actually no, it was wind!)
All eyes will be on Eyjafjallajökull in Iceland as it begins to show signs that an eruption might be in the works.
Over at Chris Mooney’s Intersection, there is a lively discussion going-on of our Washington Post article. I thought this comment was especially interesting, from scientist-turned-filmmaker Randy Olson, director of Flock […]
Do you have to be religious to see a face in burnt toast? Probably not, but believers are more likely to attribute such a face to Jesus (1). Believer in […]
Almost 200 years later, you still have to just be awestruck by the magnitude of the “Great Eruption” of Tambora that produced the “Years without a Summer”.
Two tidbits from New Zealand: nn nn – A recent survey of volcanoes in the Kermadec Arc north of New Zealand suggest that there is abundant – and recent – […]
It’s been over four decades since Greenland lost an ice chunk like the one “born” last week. The ice island – four times the size of Manhattan – calved off […]
On Friday, I was in Seattle for our latest stop in the Speaking Science 2.0 tour. We were hosted by the University of Washington’s Forum on Science Ethics and Policy […]
The map was made by James Mazzeo, a long-time associate of Neil Young
Your antipodes most likely have fins rather than feet
Released just yesterday, Physics of the Future is my most ambitious book to date. Based on interviews with over three hundred of the world’s top scientists, who are already inventing the […]
A X-Mas GoracleIn an editorial in the latest issue of the journal Climatic Change, Simon Donner argues that scientists need to join with religious leaders in communicating the urgency of […]
The only way to visit this island is to read the book
What volcano was named the 2009 Pliny winner for Volcanic Event of the Year? Find out now!
I chime in on some of the discussions about caldera-forming eruptions and inflation of volcanoes in the Andes. Also, news on the stimulus money to volcano monitoring and “our island blew up.”
Plato’s fabled continent, as depicted by Kircher in the 17th century, looks a bit familiar…
Jacob with his black-clad counterpart.Much was revealed in last night’s fifth season finale for Lost, the penultimate for the series. Here’s my take: Apparently Jacob is a Judeo-Christian God-like figure, […]