Your weekly volcano update with news from Papua New Guinea, Japan, under the Pacific Ocean and Alaska.
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A new eruption in the Kuril Islands that started last week could potentially threaten Pacific Rim air traffic – and NASA has some impressive images of the eruption from space.
Busy weekend in volcanoes, with Galeras heading towards a potential eruption, a new dome at Mayon, spectacular ocean entries in Hawai’i and images of Sakurajima’s ash plume.
nn Not to feel left out from all the action going on in Alaska, Kilauea in Hawai’i has a new lava flow issuing from the Thankgiving Eve Breakout (TEB) vent area. […]
The WORLD’S DEADLIEST VOLCANOES! Alright, not really, but we all love the “World’s Blankiest Blanks”, now don’t we (to a fault)? Oh yeah, and the moon’s surface was once totally molten.
Scientists at MIT are working to synthesize bacteria found living in sea sponges on the ocean floor, which when in danger emit a chemical that has been shown to eliminate tumor cells.
Recently, a nearby earth-like twin was found in outer space—perhaps capable of harboring life. The planet is called Gliese 581g, and is 20 light years from Earth (about 120 trillion […]
Part 1 of a volcanic tour of the Mariana Islands, hosted by Eruptions guest blogger, Dr. Ed Kohut.
Journalists can’t stay away from the term “supervolcano” (read at your own peril), the eruption in Iceland marches on and Redoubt settles down. UPDATE: Is the Icelandic eruption winding down?
One supercontinent, ringing the equator
The NASA Earth Observatory posted an excellent image today of the erupting volcano Shiveluch on the Kamchatka Peninsula. This isolated part of eastern Russia is one of the most volcanically […]
It looks like I got back just in the nick of time, before you guys started fighting over whether Christine O’Donnell is dumber than Sarah Palin, or even whether Michael […]
The NASA Earth Observatory has posted two images of erupting volcanoes this week, so I thought I’d spotlight these systems: Barren Island, India:This image captures the volcano in the Indian […]
nnA quick update from Reunion Island on this fairly slow week, volcanically speaking:n “After permanent unrest with daily 30 to 100 seismic events, Piton denla Fournaise volcano erupted again on […]
Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai (how’s that for a name?), a shallow seamount in Tonga, appears to have erupted, according to reports from air passengers and pilots in the area.
The United Nations Office of Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA) has announced that it will consider drafting protocols for what to do when we finally make contact with extra-terrestrial civilizations in […]
As we’ve all learned in school, 70% of the Earth’s surface is covered by water, only 30% is solid ground. What if everything was reversed? What if every land mass […]
Some news! Get it while it is hot! Neanderthals and volcanoes: A recent study by Naomi Cleghorn and others that appeared in Current Anthropology lays the blame for the extinction […]
This article sums up a lot of the events that led up to the Kasatochi (Alaska) eruption last week from the point of view of the biologists on the island […]
nn One of the most famous eruptions in human history (at least recent history) is the 1883 eruption of Krakatau in Indonesia, made (more) famous by Simon Winchester’s book (and […]
For DC readers, NOAA administrator Jane Lubchenco will be speaking at American University tonight. Details are below In 1998, Lubchenco as president of AAAS argued for a new social contract […]
“Is this what will become of the Earth’s surface?” asks the entry for 22 September 2007 of Astronomy Picture of the Day, a website affiliated with Nasa (judging from its […]
“Ocean life is being wiped out from the bottom up,” reports the New Scientist. Recall from your high school food chain diagram that the smallest critters are the most important.
An amazing feat of engineering, but at the cost of much blood and treasure
Part 1 of Eruptions Etna Week with guest blogger Dr. Boris Behncke – everything you ever wanted to know about the Sicilian volcano!
While I was out of town last week I got a lot of reading done. One of the books I picked up was the paperback version of Palace Council by […]
In late August 1893, painter Paul Gauguin returned to Paris after spending the previous few years in Tahiti, the Polynesian paradise that propelled his art to a whole new level. […]
New images of Kilauea from space, Soufriere Hills’ pyroclastic flows and lahars and things settling down at Anak Krakatau, all in this week’s USGS/SI volcano update.
Financier Steven Rattner saved the U.S. auto industry. Or he didn’t. It depends on whom you ask. But either way, without government intervention last year, Rattner says the auto industry […]
There are few spots in the world where you can see a mid-ocean ridge and the Reykjanes area of Iceland is one of them. Right now, earthquakes are shaking the Reykjanes Ridge, so are we going to see a new Icelandic eruption?