The salinity of the oceans is not just a matter of taste. Saltier water behaves differently, too.
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You searched for: Ocean
The existence of another watery world in the outer solar system may offer clues to how such seas form — and hope for another spot to search for life.
Explore how the study of exoplanets is transforming our understanding of ocean formation.
This research team is working out how to detect extraterrestrial cells in the liquid water ocean hidden beneath Enceladus’s icy crust.
Ancient currents seemed to move in concert with a 2.4 million-year dance between the Red Planet and Earth.
Could life be widespread throughout the cosmos, in the subsurface oceans of ice-covered worlds? NASA’s Europa Clipper mission investigates.
Driven by a childhood marked by war and environmental devastation, Dyhia Belhabib developed an innovative technology to combat illegal fishing.
The laws of physics aren’t changing. But the Earth’s conditions are different than what they used to be, and so are hurricanes as a result.
In a recent paper, biologists outlined a three-part hypothesis for how all life as we know it began.
The number of planets that could support life may be far greater than previously thought, a recent discovery suggests.
Chemical changes inside Mars’ core caused it to lose its magnetic field. This, in turn, caused it to lose its oceans. But how?
Seventy-five years after the anomaly’s discovery, scientists have finally figured out why sea levels are so much lower here.
Ocean fertilization is extremely controversial, but if done correctly, it just might work.
Harvard astronomer Avi Loeb claimed to track down and find alien spherules on the ocean bottom. Here’s the sober truth.
13.8 columnist Marcelo Gleiser reflects on his recent voyage to Earth’s last wild continent.
For well over a century, engineers have proposed harnessing the ocean’s tides for energy. But the idea hasn’t seemed to register in many places.
Thanks to the Coriolis force, hurricanes never cross the equator.
In 8,000-mile journey, a male humpback ditches Colombia for Tanzania — however, scientists don’t know why he made the trip.
A Harvard astronomer went to the bottom of the ocean, claiming he recovered alien technology. But what does the science actually indicate?
Some fascinating observations of K2-18b have come along with horrendous, speculative communications. There’s no evidence for oceans or life.
MIT Scientist Jason Soderblom describes how the NASA mission will study the geology and composition of the surface of Jupiter’s water-rich moon and assess its astrobiological potential.
No matter how you define the end, including the demise of humanity, all life, or even the planet itself, our ultimate destruction awaits.
Misinformation was extremely popular in 2023, as bad science often made global headlines. Learn the truth behind these 10 dubious stories.
No shots fired. No flags raised. And no dry land gained. Still, the U.S. effectively grew by the size of about two Californias in December.
If we’re going to discuss oceanography and climate change, we should at least identify the currents correctly.
“We wouldn’t be able to talk about minerals if it weren’t for the minerals themselves.” Mineralogist Bob Hazen explains how Earth’s rocks can teach us about our planet’s technicolor history.
3 min
In the early stages of our Solar System, there were three life-friendly planets: Venus, Earth, and Mars. Only Earth thrived. Here’s why.
Until the Apollo missions, we had no idea how the moon got here, just a series of educated guesses. They rewrote the story of the moon’s origins.
Finding alien technology on the seafloor would be truly incredible. This extraordinary claim, however, is debunked by the actual evidence.