mental health
A new study shows that anxiety has been rapidly increasing among young adults in the U.S. from 2008 to 2018.
Two anthropologists question the chemical imbalance theory of mental health disorders.
Some anxiety is natural, but it doesn’t have to control your life.
11 min
A report from the New York Times raises questions over how the teletherapy startup Talkspace handles user data.
A new Harvard study finds that the language you use affects patient outcome.
Reaching beyond the stereotypes of meditation and embracing the science of mindfulness.
20 min
Finding a balance between job satisfaction, money, and lifestyle is not easy.
14 min
While this has been a popular debate, the evidence suggests there isn’t a strong link between pornography use and erectile dysfunction (ED).
There are many reasons why this could be true.
This is what happens when the fringe becomes mainstream.
Gender and sexual minority populations are experiencing rising anxiety and depression rates during the pandemic.
An algorithm may allow doctors to assess PTSD candidates for early intervention after traumatic ER visits.
With the most common form of female sexual dysfunction impacting 1 in 10 women, this important study dives into how to keep a relationship going despite having different needs and wants in the bedroom.
According to a licensed clinical psychologist, we need to change the way we define narcissism in order to recognize it more clearly for what it really is.
A new study pushes back on psychiatry industry talking points.
Weight gain is a side effect of antidepressants, adding another layer of problems.
A 2017 University of Wisconsin-Madison study was the first of it’s kind to show structural differences in the psychopathic brain.
Three scientists examine three dimensions of psychopathy: neurological, social, and criminal.
12 min
Research suggests we need to create a new kind of work-life balance to prevent burnout while working from home.
Reveri Health has launched a new stress-relief self-hypnosis program through Amazon Alexa to help combat the anxiety of COVID-19.
Robert Whitaker discusses the long-term impact of prescription medication.
Light therapy might help your natural circadian rhythm and even stave off seasonal depression.
Volunteering can feel great and make good things happen. Now we know it promotes your health too.
Could better teaching practices make paying attention easier for everyone?
We must rethink the “chemical imbalance” theory of mental health.
Just before I turned 60, I discovered that sharing my story by drawing could be an effective way to both alleviate my symptoms and combat that stigma.
Researchers at UT Southwestern noted a 47 percent increase in blood flow to regions associated with memory.
Online dating has evolved, but at what cost?
According to the analysis, the more yoga sessions a person did each week, the less they struggled with depressive symptoms.
The study provides initial evidence that open, strong postures can improve children’s mood and self-esteem.