Big Think

In numerous cultures worldwide, women were just as involved in bringing home the prehistoric bacon as their male counterparts.
Here are the signs that you inherited “money anxiety” from your parents.
There are four money personality types. Which are you?
Just as there are many types of believers, there’s not only one type of atheist.
Are you in love? Trust your mother over your brain.
Real-time online learning is where our dated education system is heading.
Reality is more distorted than we think.
Your emotional brain is being manipulated to shop more, but there are ways to resist.
6 min
In just 11 months, this lab can grow a memorial diamond from the ashes of a loved one. Can they change how we cope with loss?
7 min
Science confirms what you already knew about being helpful to others.
5 min
Humans are wired for short-term thinking according to neuroscience, making it difficult to save for retirement.
6 min
Playing video games could help you make better decisions about money.
6 min
Powerful branding can not only change how you feel about a company, it can actually change how your brain is wired.
6 min
Why your brain wants you to follow the crowd.
6 min
This company uses thousands of mirrors, AI, and machine learning to unlock the power of the sun.
9 min
Tiny specks of space debris can move faster than bullets and cause way more damage. Cleaning it up is imperative.
6 min
The symbol for love is the heart, but the brain may be more accurate.
14 min
“The question is which are okay, which are not okay.”
14 min
Humans may have evolved to be tribalistic. Is that a bad thing?
17 min
The US prison system continues to fail, so why does it still exist?
18 min
The potential of CRISPR technology is incredible, but the threats are too serious to ignore.
14 min
Research has shown how important empathy is to relationships, but there are limits to its power.
11 min
Philosophers, theoretical physicists, psychologists, and others consider what or who is really in control.
19 min
Labeling thinkers like Albert Einstein and Steve Jobs as “other” may be stifling humanity’s creative potential.
14 min
NASA astronomer Michelle Thaller is coming back to Big Think’s studio soon to answer YOUR questions! Here’s all you need to know to submit your science-related inquiries.
There is no success without failure, but the fear of the latter is what’s really keeping you from achieving your goals.
15 min
Being skeptical isn’t just about being contrarian. It’s about asking the right questions of ourselves and others to gain understanding.
15 min
The debate over whether or not there is a place for political correctness in modern society is not always black and white.
13 min
From baboon hierarchies to the mind-gut connection, the path to defeating depression starts with understanding its causes.
23 min
7 scholars and legal experts dissect what you can and can’t say in America.
22 min