An hour away from Area 51 in the Nevada desert, this solar power plant “banks” energy in a way that could be replicated across the world.
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New studies show that energy drinks and junk food adversely affect the developing brain in numerous ways.
This September, Apple revealed its newest iPhone lineup. The largest option of the iPhone XS Max tops out at $1,499 — nearly two and a half times the price of […]
With the right material at the right temperature and a magnetic track, physics allows you to never lose energy. The idea of levitating off the ground has been a staple of […]
As the Event Horizon Telescope prepares to release its first results, we can expect not just one, but two black hole images. What does a black hole actually look like? For […]
While it might seem obvious, some business leaders need the reminder that their employees are people with spirits and energy that need to be nurtured. However, according to Duke University […]
A once-impossible new technique creates fusion energy with powerful lasers and without radioactive fuel.
If emissions don’t go down, there’s still an option for combatting global warming. We just have to effectively dim the Sun. Global climate change is one of the most pressing long-term […]
Mathematicians argue in a new paper that the accelerating expansion of the universe can be explained without dark energy.
We all make mistakes. However, acknowledging them can help you overcome the “sunk cost fallacy” and move on.
By 2020, Bitcoin mining will consume more energy than the world currently produces
We need a break, but the possibility of getting one seems unlikely.
There are many arguments over what makes a theory beautiful, elegant, or compelling. But in the face of data, predictive power is everything. When you look at any phenomenon in […]
LIGO, here on Earth, has exquisitely-precise distances its lasers travel. With three spacecrafts in motion, how could LISA work? Since it began operating in 2015, advanced LIGO has ushered in an […]
A new study looks at how lobbying expenditures affect climate change legislation.
The biggest killer of motivation in many organizations is that managers don’t always recognize the true value of good will and social utility. Psychologist and Behavioral Economist Dan Ariely says […]
New tariffs enacted on solar panels and washing machines are coming under fire from some around the globe, while others are calling the move a positive step for jobs in the United States.
A little peek into our past reveals tantalizing details.
Multiple teams of scientists can’t agree on how fast the Universe expands. Dark matter may unlock why. There’s an enormous controversy in astrophysics today over how quickly the Universe is expanding. […]
If nothing can escape from beneath the event horizon, where do these phenomena come from? The most important feature of a black hole is that it has an event horizon: a […]
There are lots of properties inherent to particles, and while everyone has an antiparticle, not everyone is matter or antimatter. For every particle of matter that’s known to exist in […]
French president Emmanuel Macron recently announced plans to close all of the country’s coal-fired power plants two years ahead of schedule.
Almost half of the American workers don’t take all the vacation days they can, leading to increased health risks.
Many tests have reported an ‘anomalous thrust’ where there should be none. A researcher has finally shown where everyone else has messed up. One of the ultimate dreams of humans everywhere […]
Scientists have discovered an endless energy supply in the naturally occurring Brownian motion of graphene.
A special isotope of plutonium is necessary for missions to Mars and beyond. But we don’t have enough, and aren’t making more fast enough. As 2018 comes to a close, NASA […]
It’s the first, most naive question you might think to ask. The solution is a lot more complicated than you imagine. According to a large amount of evidence, the overwhelming majority […]
The line between science and pseudoscience is imperceptible to most. Here’s how you can catch it in yourself. When it comes to science, the first principle is that you must […]
The hallmark of a good scientist is changing your mind when new evidence arises. Here’s what that looks like. Science, like many things in life, is always a work-in-progress. While a […]
The Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory has been working for years to preserve the estimated 10,000 videos of nuclear bomb tests made by the U.S. government during the Cold War.