A new study highlights how blockchain technology can be a game-changer in education.
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Technology holds the promise of a better future, but our footprint on the planet threatens to undo all our dreams and progress. It’s pretty easy to look at the world […]
On Monday, a relatively small South Korean cryptocurrency exchange revealed hackers had made off with about $37 million in coins, spooking markets worldwide.
What is a blockchain phone, and why would anyone want one?
The global population is becoming more diverse. As a result, if companies in developed economies don’t diversify their hiring, they may lose out on crucial talent. Cryptocurrencies are here to help.
History shows us why we can’t trust centralized power. So what can we trust?
10 min
Getting your vote to where it matters can be harder and more corrupt than it should be. Could blockchain technology build a better system and rebuild people’s trust?
3 min
Cryptocurrencies have had their time in the spotlight. Now it’s time to focus on solving bigger problems.
As voting becomes digital, we should consider rewarding voters for taking part in the process.
Why would two intelligent women running a hugely successful podcast at one of the most respected studios in the audio world quit to risk everything on a technology almost nobody understands?
The companies launching satellites aboard the SpaceX rocket hope to revolutionize the Internet of Things.
The Canadian professor takes issue with blocking free speech, but is he part of the problem?
The term “hodl” originated in a drunken post about Bitcoin from 2013, but it’s evolved into a movement in the cryptocurrency community.
In Life After Google, George Gilder writes that we’re paying a heavy cost for “free.”
The plan to stop megacorps from owning superintelligence is already underway.
4 min
Starbucks isn’t accepting bitcoin—yet.
In the world of crypto, the more outlandish the idea, the more potentially disruptive.
The Internet is all shadows and mirrors—but what if it were the central source of truth? Thanks to Blockchain technology, it’s a future that’s possible.
5 min
A tech-minded approach to drug fraud could squash those who enable the deadly opioid crisis.
5 min
Can we make progress in a world in which we don’t trust our institutions?
There’s a new, highly secure way to vote and count ballots, and it’s just been tested in a real-world election.
Did Elon Musk invent Bitcoin? The mystery surrounding the creator of the world’s most popular cryptocurrency deepens.
We are on the verge of something meaningful and incredible with emergent artificial intelligence, says Toni Lane Casserly. But which way will humanity steer it? As with any system, it’s up to us.
4 min
Everybody seems to be making money on bitcoin and other cryptocurrency, but not many people grasp how the underlying technology works. Bitcoin is now traded on the exchanges for futures contracts. Is this problematic for amateur day traders that may not understand how bitcoin works?
Today, we are in the golden age of meltdowns. More and more of our systems are in the danger zone, but our ability to manage them hasn’t quite caught up.
Only a radically new tax system, one that affects everyone’s bottom line, can compel the environmental transition in consciousness that we so clearly need.
Imagine a world where governments compete for your citizenships. Bitcoin and Blockchain expert Toni Lane Casserly explains how this technology could anoint people over institutions.
How Blockchain Can Empower Migrants and Refugees
12 min
Bitcoin will bring a seismic shift in global finance, says Toni Lane Casserly: “If you are an institution with integrity, generally I would say you don’t have anything to worry about.” … So long to the world as we know it.
10 min
Researchers at the University College of London have proposed the development of a centralized digital currency. It’s unlike Bitcoin, but has all its benefits.