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At some point this century, we will confront the prospect of immortality, says Steven Kotler. After our bodies die, it will be possible to upload our minds into a computer, and then download them into another body.
3 min
Yale researchers create a groundbreaking device that utilizes two key concepts in quantum physics.
Many people are turning to Pilates over pews in new American gathering spaces, writes Jason Kelly.
A report by a team of scientists highlights the dangers of “gene drive” technology that can eliminate unwanted species.
Learn what PTSD does to the brain, and how someone can bounce back.
Enlightenment is a traditionally mystical and slippery concept, but when it is subjected to the rigors of empirical analysis, there is a lot to be learned about our brains and ourselves.
9 min
Meteor showers are something that everybody ought to see at least once in their lifetime.
Being your true self means being present under trying circumstances, but that takes practice and a certain amount of self-knowledge. Here’s what you need to know to get started.
9 min
Four years ago, the world was shaken with the announcement of a planet around Alpha Centauri. But was it real? “You’re on Earth. There’s no cure for that.” –Samuel Beckett If […]
It’s a tastier option than you think.
Future clothing will make you look dazzling with amazing special effects.
The most distant world ever imaged by fly-by reveals a richer terrain than anyone ever expected. “The cosmic game changed forever in 1992. Before then, logic told us that there […]
It doesn’t interact with normal matter hardly at all, and yet it may be necessary for life itself. “The privilege of a lifetime is being who you are.” –Joseph Campbell Dark […]
Earth day may have been last week, but the lessons we learned about Earth from space are with us always. “We are not learning to view ourselves as an advanced, evolving […]
The Freedom From Religion Foundation sent out over a thousand letters warning public schools away from this creationist propaganda.
Hash-tag capitalism, paid posts, and transparent (but not honest) sponsored captions – will this social media influencer trend ever end?
Jose Carlos Norte has found a way to fingerprint Tor users and track them based on their mouse movements. However, the exploit can only be used if JavaScript is enabled in the browser.
Fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) is a successful, albeit disgusting way to cure gastrointestinal diseases. It is also being tested to treat other illnesses. FMT helps replace beneficial gut bacteria whose numbers have been reduced in the microbiome of the human colon.
With, as Carl Sagan famously put it, “billions and billions” of stars out there, many of them with planets that would support life, why aren’t we seeing that life the form of visits from aliens?
It’s important to know where your food comes from. Ikea has made an easy way to grow your own salad through the power of hydroponics. No dirt or backyard required.
The force that has only been seen on the largest cosmic scales affects smaller ones, too. We just need to look well enough. “There are still so many questions to answer. […]
Fossil fuels could be phased-out in 10 years, according to a study done by Professor Benjamin Sovacool. History shows us strong government support coupled with a shift in consumer preferences driven by incentives will help us get there faster.
We are at greater risk to a full-blown epidemic than at any time in history. What’s being done to stop it?
And could what we see over there spell disaster for Earth? “An asteroid or a supervolcano could certainly destroy us, but we also face risks the dinosaurs never saw: An engineered […]
If it’s such a light element, why are Earth’s stores of it buried beneath the surface? “I have this one little saying, when things get too heavy just call me helium, […]
Looks like the inner planets formed *after* the gas giants moved to their current position, and Jupiter ejected a fifth giant, too! “The stars look the same from night to […]
Will economies and societies continue to innovate, finding new ways of increasing agricultural efficiency or will insufficient resources lead to catastrophes? In a 1958 work, Aldoux Huxley offered an answer.
Healthcare, education, food production, and resource management will all have to change if we are to survive and thrive.
The search for Planet Nine is on. The problem is scientists don’t know where to start — it has an orbit of 10,000 to 20,000 years. However, a group of researchers from France may have narrowed the search area.