Google has been testing a new kind of Internet-delivery system out in New Mexico. Project Skybender would not only beam down Internet from the skies through solar-powered drones, but also provide speeds 40 times faster than 4G LTE.
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If all the worlds formed together, they have the ingredients for life, too. Maybe it isn’t just Earth who got lucky. “If I had to describe myself to an alien […]
Einstein’s most famous equation didn’t have to be this way, but it is, all the same. “Science is global. Einstein’s equation, E=mc^2, has to reach everywhere. Science is a beautiful gift […]
Apple and the FBI sat before the House Judiciary Committee. The group heard testimonies from both sides about the issue, including the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation James Comey and Apple’s Senior Vice President and General Counsel Bruce Sewell.
430,000 people are injured every year due to distracted driving. Will this new invention help combat this trend?
During a live audio conference, NASA announced the discovery of 1,284 confirmed exoplanets as part of a new method outlined in a recent study. This method may help cut down the busywork of finding habitable planets.
200 meteors per hour is only three per minute, and with a more-than-half full moon out, you might want to stay inside. “My dad took me out to see a meteor […]
The evolution of driving might disconnect us from each other even more.
There are strict scientific standards a new ‘claimed discovery’ needs to meet. Has cold fusion gotten there? “Between cold fusion and respectable science there is virtually no communication at all. …because the […]
Science’s picture of the world is being updated. It’s adding algomorphic thinking to its palette.
The Icelandic prison system is about to welcome the 26th banker responsible for the 2008 financial meltdown.
1604 is the last time a human saw one with their naked eyes, but that wasn’t the most recent one at all. “When a star goes supernova, the explosion emits enough […]
Nathan Eagle is the CEO of Jana, and its product is the mCent app. It addresses two issues facing emerging markets: giving users the ability to access the internet for free and helping connect major corporations with its next billion potential customers.
Tuition costs have risen faster than any other set of costs in the USA. There’s a way to combat it, but we have to be brave. “When we make college more […]
Comedian Ruby Wax explains the brain like no one else.
And here’s the reason why, despite all you may have heard. “Thou shalt not embarrass thyself and thy colleagues by claiming false planets.” –Bill Cochran Late last year, one of the […]
How we’ll directly take pictures of Earth-like planets in the future! “We stand on a great threshold in the human history of space exploration. If life is prevalent in our neighborhood […]
How did immigration policy and a lack of integration help cause the Brussels attack?
Out with the old, in with the new.
Healthy sounding foods aren’t always healthy. A 2014 study titled Truth, Lies, and Packaging: How Food Marketing Creates a False Sense of Health examined the difference between packaging claims of […]
Planet Nine? More like “Planet maybe.” “Finding out that something you have just discovered is considered all but impossible is one of the joys of science.” –Mike Brown Last week, the […]
And what would that mean if it were one? “It is in the theory of perception that we have established our bond, or the lie I should say, for which we […]
Online voting will transform our political process. It will improve turnout and make the U.S. a more democratic society.
Repeating myths in order to correct them can backfire, causing people to remember the myth as fact, and forgetting the fact altogether. Researchers suggest other ways for journalists to correct misinformation.
And it didn’t even need a transit to do it! “Mars is much closer to the characteristics of Earth. It has a fall, winter, summer and spring. North Pole, South Pole, […]
Scientists will combine stem cells, lasers, and other techniques to (hopefully) reanimate the brain stems of 20 brain dead patients. The technique has promise, and perhaps unforeseen pitfalls.
The two best-explored outer Solar System worlds orbit one another. But no one was prepared for what New Horizons saw. “Just as a Chihuahua is still a dog, these ice dwarfs […]
Any forecast attempting to predict the weather beyond seven to 10 days isn’t credible, say meteorologists. This hasn’t stopped AccuWeather from rolling out a 90-day forecast feature.
It’s a wonderful potential technology for going interstellar. But in your lifetime? Don’t hold your breath. “Greatness is not in where we stand, but in what direction we are moving. We […]
Is Amanda Palmer (who turns 40 today!), queen of pop-up concerts, kickstarter, and social media, the prototypical artist of the future?