The International Space Station (ISS) has been playing host to many different kinds of microbes as part of a larger study to figure out how bacteria reacts to a microgravity environment and cosmic radiation.
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Scientists and pretty much anyone who’s taken a biology class is used to talking about reproduction in a certain way. Is that way accurate?
The Advent of Wearable Tech is here and it Pairs Perfectly with Medical Detection.
A new study highlights the new ethical dilemmas caused by the rise of robotic and autonomous technology, like self-driving cars.
Though those of the mother have been researched, the father’s biometrics are now getting a closer look.
A recent Pew Research Study finds women to be the more religious gender worldwide.
The achievements of the Millennial generation are already obvious, says playwright and comedian Lewis Black. And whatever their negative qualities, they pale in comparison to older generations.
3 min
Bikeshare has been around for almost 10 years now, but there have never been any deaths. Researchers look into the reasons why.
A new study links one of the world’s most popular painkillers to an increase in autism spectrum and hyperactivity symptoms.
Our best “Big Picture” of the universe might be Sean Carroll’s “poetic naturalism.” But his skillfully framed physics and philosophy synthesis needs more “moral geometry” and a “naturalistic fallacy” update.
The force of empty space isn’t always zero. Here’s how an electromagnetic experiment might be the key to dark energy. “Another very good test some readers may want to look up… […]
Nearly a quarter of Americans rely on sleeping pills—a trend that’s feeding obesity and depression levels.
Hundreds of years before climate change was a topic of discussion, monks and merchants kept records when lakes and rivers froze-over in the winter. These records show how the Industrial Revolution was a major turning point in altering the Earth’s climate.
Wilt Chamberlain dominated basketball. Yet given the chance to improve one critical element of his game, he let popular opinion override physics.
Robots could be considered legal drivers in the United States. This means human occupants inside the vehicle wouldn’t require a valid license in order to ride inside — the software would be the vehicle’s legal “driver.”
Are comets and asteroids periodic, and are we due? “Biological diversity is messy. It walks, it crawls, it swims, it swoops, it buzzes. But extinction is silent, and it has no […]
When you get enough mass together, Einstein’s theory of gravity causes space to act like a lens. Here are the results. “The first amazing fact about gravitation is that the ratio […]
The periodic table offers up so many possibilities, but some things are off-limits in our Solar System. “There’s no god, it’s the elements that control this world and everything on it.” […]
Intuition is not a mystical realm of psychology, but rather unconscious pattern recognition.
Just two days before its data was released, I wrote this story on what it all means. Come get the scoop! “Einstein’s gravitational theory, which is said to be the greatest […]
We’re looking back in time when we look across the light years, so what’s different between what we see and what’s really there? “I saw a star explode and send out […]
Any normal person with a smartphone would take a picture of an aurora and post it on social media, which is what led Elizabeth MacDonald and Nathan Case to found the Aurorasaurus website. Since scientists can’t be everywhere at all times to spot these auroras, they rely on social media to do it for them.
Therapeutic research on LSD stopped in 1968. Now we’re rediscovering its value.
The UN Happiness Report this year includes happiness inequality. Learn how it affects you, and what you can do to lead a happier life.
Even most of the pros don’t know all 10. This post was contributed to Starts With A Bang by Sabine Hossenfelder. Sabine is a theoretical physicist specialized in quantum gravity […]
The Planetary Society has unveiled the successor of its first solar sail project, the LightSail 2. It will take flight sometime this year when SpaceX’s Falcon Heavy rocket is ready.
Biocentrism is a theory that sees our lives as a string on unconnected Nows with no real time or death.
America’s interstate system is the path toward year-round temperature comfort.
Google has been testing a new kind of Internet-delivery system out in New Mexico. Project Skybender would not only beam down Internet from the skies through solar-powered drones, but also provide speeds 40 times faster than 4G LTE.
Einstein’s most famous equation didn’t have to be this way, but it is, all the same. “Science is global. Einstein’s equation, E=mc^2, has to reach everywhere. Science is a beautiful gift […]