It’s an incredibly useful approximation. But the truth takes us far deeper. Anyone who’s ever taken a physics course has learned the same myth for centuries now: that any object thrown, […]
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You searched for: Systems
The neuralnanorobotics are coming.
Now is not the time to panic. But it’s the perfect time to get informed. The typical human body is made out of some 10²⁸ atoms distributed across approximately 100 […]
The study highlights the incredible neuroplasticity of the brain.
If a fetus is a person, would it be a citizen too?
Earth wasn’t the only potentially habitable planet in the early Solar System. What happened to Mars? If you could travel back in time to the early stages of the Solar System, […]
Technology that enables telemedicine is set to change the medical field for patients, doctors, and investors.
100 percent fruit juice is still 100 percent sugar.
Matter can indeed sprout out of nothingness, causing the universe to expand.
Dark matter’s naysayers latched onto one tiny puzzle. This new find may have solved it completely. Imagine the largest cosmic smashup you can. Take the largest gravitationally bound structures we […]
A question that’s baffled physicists for nine years has been resolved by the simplest possible answer.
Wray said the investigation was “limited in scope” and “followed standard procedures,” though he seemed to sidestep repeated questions about the involvement of the White House in determining the scope of the investigation.
We live in contradiction. How we confront that fact matters.
It’s part of the nation’s massive reforestation campaign that aims to plant 4 billion trees in 2019.
The Evergreen National Education Prize offers monetary and promotional support to organizations helping low-income youths access education.
The heaviest elements in the periodic table have their own unique story. No, they don’t come from a supernova. When it comes to the elements of the Universe, every one […]
Instead of focusing on President Donald Trump, the Slovenian philosopher says liberals should incrementally challenge the fundamentals of the economic system.
Taking care of our minds is an often neglected aspect of aging. What are we going to do about it?
“Cargotecture” is becoming increasingly popular as a cheap alternative to traditional houses.
Thinning forests in the Western United States can save billions of gallons of water per year and improve conservation efforts.
Even before publication, health agencies were asking the journal not to publish the research.
This meteorite is the oldest known volcanic rock in the solar system, dated at 4,565,000,000 years old.
New findings show that Russian explosion was from a nuclear reactor.
A new study finds that societies use the same acoustic features for the same types of songs, suggesting universal cognitive mechanisms underpinning world music.
No one has seen an equinox this early since the 19th century. And you’d better get used to it. This year, on March 19, 2020, the equinox will occur. For a […]
If we restrict ourselves to looking for extraterrestrial life on Earth-like worlds, we might miss it entirely. When we think about life out there in the Universe, far beyond the […]
A new first-of-its-kind study puts a number on how political lobbyists can change the course of climate policy.
The reason why is simple, and should apply to every solar system like our own. On January 3rd, 2019, Earth reached the point in its orbit where it’s at its closest […]
Here are four separate ways you can prove it, even 50 years after-the-fact. 50 years ago, on July 20, 1969, humanity took our first footsteps on the surface of another […]
An upcoming experiment will test how well the nation can function on its internal internet.