For the Pluto fans, another sad state of affairs: your favorite world won’t make it. Nothing on Earth lasts forever, and that’s a truth that even extends to all the objects […]
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You searched for: Structure
To help dramatize the need for us to open our minds about the potential nature of extraterrestrial life, experimental philosopher Jonathon Keats has built instruments and composed music for aliens.
It’s the first, most naive question you might think to ask. The solution is a lot more complicated than you imagine. According to a large amount of evidence, the overwhelming majority […]
The data has been taken, collected, and analyzed. So where is the first image of an event horizon, already? Across multiple continents, including Antarctica, an array of radio telescopes observe the […]
The EIC is likely to deepen our understanding of the universe in ways we can’t fathom.
We can “read” genes with ease now, but still can’t say what most of them “mean.” To show why we need clearer “causology” and fitter metaphors, let’s scrutinize cars and their parts like we do bodies and genes.
In the aftermath of everything we’ve learned about what’s in the Universe, we can make much better estimates of how many alien civilizations are out there. In 1961, scientist Frank Drake […]
A new study from scientists in China suggests that medical devices could one day restore vision to the blind.
Research shows women are better positioned than men to resist the automation of work and possibly even benefit from it.
Could social graphing be a way to find the ‘Holy Grail’ of successful movie writing?
The GoFly challenge has just announced 10 winning flying-car designs. It’s the first phase of a three-part contest, and they’re very cool.
This new pill could make it easier for people to stick to the treatment.
There may be a fundamental reason why time travel, backwards, is impossible. We’ve all had the dream of traveling back in time. Whether there’s a wrong we want to right, […]
One study of what makes a psychopath who they are shows a difference based on country.
For hundreds of millions of years, most of the starlight never made it through space. Here’s how that changed. Forming stars sounds like the easiest thing in the Universe to do. […]
Our dark matter searches have yet to yield a robust detection. Could we be looking in all the wrong places? There’s perhaps no more fundamental question to ask than, “what is […]
Atheism has been called many things over the years. Is it a cult, and what is a cult anyway?
Disney has plans to make the Star Wars galaxy the setting for the widespread introduction of virtual reality and augmented reality to the public at large.
Researchers study whether bearded men have advantages in fighting.
Kim Kardashian is meeting with Jared Kushner and President Donald Trump on Wednesday to talk prison reform and the case of Alice Marie Johnson, who’s service life for a nonviolent crime.
A new study from MIT has found that piano lessons have a very specific effect on kindergartners’ ability to distinguish different pitches, which translates into an improvement in discriminating between spoken words.
The ingredients for life are everywhere, but so far the only life we know of comes from Earth. Here’s how that might change. Ever since human beings first turned our eyes […]
Learning about synesthesia can help us better understand how our brain works, particularly in terms of perception.
It was Stephen Hawking’s obsession for the last 30 years of his life. Here’s why it matters. When it comes to the sciences, sometimes making two observations or measurements that appear […]
The ices and rock aren’t green, and neither are the tails. So where does a comet’s green color come from? Every so often, with extreme regularity, comets will plunge from beyond […]
Does what kind of music you play alter the benefits you get by playing it?
A bracing splash of cold Laphroaig in the face of some of our biggest misconceptions, from historian Niall Ferguson.
Ever recognize the repeating patterns of nature? There’s a theory for that.
Researchers use a cutting-edge technique to restore activity to the fragile X syndrome gene.
Diversity & inclusion (D&I) ranks among some of the top areas of importance for organizations in the United States. While it is a popular buzzword, it’s also an integral part […]