Music is our oldest and most cherished ritual. How we treat it is reflective of who we are.
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You searched for: Daniel Harding
Achieving liquid light at room temperature will boost research into quantum hydrodynamics.
Why are beliefs, even plainly irrational ones, so stubbornly resistant to change?
Researchers may have discovered the oldest homo sapiens yet, in Morocco.
Philosophers David Chalmers and Daniel Dennett argue over “philosophical zombies,” created to question the nature of human consciousness.
Sure, the old Greek guys from 2,400 years ago get all the glory. But these living philosophers have a ton to say about life, the universe, and everything as it relates to right now.
Why are we so hung up on Pluto’s planetary status? Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson urges us to get over it already!
10 million prime age men have checked out of the workforce. Let’s improve their prospects.
Anti-vaxxers may have a friend coming into the White House, and medical experts are worried.
Every year, companies try to do things better, to find the most effective way to complete some task or to improve overall productivity. Employee learning programs play a massive part […]
The confidence we crave in our leaders compromises their ability to help us avoid risk.
Geneticists found certain gene variants were more influential than personality traits, such as grit.
It’s not by burning people’s pictures and wearing the flag as a cape, but by understanding ourselves better, and understanding the person beside you.
Three Ways America Can Be United Again – Through Decision-Making
3 Ways We Can Make America Great Again – Through Decision Making
Looks Like We’re Making America Great Again. Here Are 3 Ways to Contribute.
Cross ‘multi-tasking ninja’ off your resume, it’s out, say Stanford researchers and other cognitive experts. Here are three tips for transitioning back to single-tasking.
A synchrotron has just unlocked the writing inside ancient Herculaneum’s incinerated scrolls.
In A Field Guide to Lies, neuroscientist Daniel Levitin explains how to wade through an endless sea of data and statistics to hone our critical thinking skills.
Rumors of a terrorist gunman escalated at LAX. A panicked crowd trampled an old woman, snapping her femur. In our best Dick Cheney voice: “If you allow blind fear to disrupt society, the terrorists have already won.”
The science behind choosing the right music for being productive.
46 billion light years in all directions in just 13.8 billion years? Here’s how it’s done! “They say the universe is expanding. That should help with the traffic.” –Steven Wright There are […]
The strongest pull for hundreds of millions of light years goes toe-to-toe against the most energetic force of all. “We detect motion along this axis, but right now our data cannot […]
Not every butcher’s map has a Tenderloin District
An old fight between philosophy and science has flared up again. Fortunately we have Rebecca Newberger Goldstein to help us sort out what’s going.
In 1998, cosmologists got the surprise of a lifetime. Here’s how our Universe would’ve looked without cosmic acceleration. “We’ve known for a long time that the universe is expanding. But […]
Though perhaps not the most pressing, believe it or not.
And if relativity tells us there’s no such thing as “absolute motion,” how do we measure it? “The slow philosophy is not about doing everything in tortoise mode. It’s less about […]
The mental mechanics of how emotions and logic relate aren’t widely understood. Our minds are built to mostly be “indirectly rational.”
Last week’s $1.5 billion jackpot was a record that likely will be broken again and again. But when, if ever, should you play? “I’ve done the calculation and your chances of […]
Nassim Taleb’s theories on unpredictable events can inform the MLB Draft’s selection process.
Journaling can help you see progress and where progress needs to be made.
Stereotypes can be hard to shake.