Here are some of the most impactful scientific achievements in a year full of discoveries.
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You searched for: Computers
By 2020, Bitcoin mining will consume more energy than the world currently produces
How far back in time would you need to travel to find a common human ancestor of people living today? The answer is surprisingly recent.
Can robots tell stories? In a way, yes. We’re far more likely to see robot nursery rhymes than a robot Shakespeare.
Is our existence base reality—or are we pawns in a matrix? Cognitive scientist Joscha Bach explains how we might be able to tell.
6 min
Musk is about more than Teslas and rockets.
It’s durable, exponentially scalable, and it’ll last millennia, if not millions of years.
How does music influence behavior?
Bitcoin started at $.008, and today is worth over $12,000. What’s the deal with other cryptocurrencies? We’re here to help.
This new pill could make it easier for people to stick to the treatment.
AI won’t really resemble humanoids. Instead, AI will create a world that countries and large companies can live in.
9 min
One researcher warns to stick with activities you enjoy.
The world has its first robotic citizen in a humanoid robot with an advanced range of emotions.
A paper argues that the younger generation is no better at technology and multitasking than older people.
The U.S. has been steadily losing its religion for decades — but that trend might ramp up significantly in the years to come.
Researchers look at crowdsourcing as a way to teach ethics to AI.
In his latest book, Selfie, Will Storr explores the history of self-obsession, and wonders how we can fix it.
Employees at 32M, a company based in Wisconsin, now have the option of getting microchipped. Workers implanted with the RFID chip will be able to open doors, store medical info, and pay for purchases. Should this be the future workplace?
It’s not only a lack of sleep that’s hurting us. A lack of dreaming might point to health problems.
All the answers may lie at the center of a “regular” black hole.
Mining asteroids might seem like the stuff of science fiction, but there are companies and a few governments already working hard to make it real.
He created Windows and made billions of dollars. But that wouldn’t have happened if it weren’t for a few small things in his early life.
But there are resources, tips, and telltale signs to keep you from being duped. “Some people think that the truth can be hidden with a little cover-up and decoration. But as […]
Aging lithium-ion batteries have Apple, and other phone makers, in a corner.
This has implications for linguistics, biology, musical composition, and even A.I.
Neuroscientists discover networks of neurons that stretch or compress their activity to control timing Anne Trafton | MIT News Office Timing is critical for playing a musical instrument, swinging a […]
Soon, the line that divides the living from the dead might not be so clear.
There’s nothing new, recent, or remarkable about it. It’s just a typical cosmic pebble in the galactic ocean. Last year, the interstellar interloper ʻOumuamua passed through the inner Solar System. Originally […]
This discovery may also help us develop novel drugs for Alzheimer’s, schizophrenia, and ADHD.
AI is leaving human needs and democracy behind in its race to accomplish its current profit-generating goals.