If you want to know how we get something from nothing, you’d better understand what we mean! When we look around at our world and Universe today, we talk and think […]
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You searched for: Big Think
You have to be a little envious of those who have faith—they have a motivational force behind them that is near impossible to beat. What if there was a secular equivalent, wonders philosophy professor Sam Newlands.
4 min
A new study investigates if pot smokers outperformed nonsmokers in creativity.
Emotional intelligence can have massive benefits for any organization, but why? How do we maximize our groups’ EQ?
Spontaneous talk on surprise topics. Lexicographer Kory Stamper on the slipperiness of language and how the sausage of dictionaries is made.
Before Hawking, black holes were just static points in the background of space. His greatest scientific legacy taught us just how dynamic they are. In 1915, Albert Einstein published his General […]
Once upon a time, hope meant confronting suffering, not avoiding it. Have overly sugary connotations about hope diminished its true grit?
9 min
The 2018 World Happiness Index reveals some surprises and explains why the world’s richest country is not one of its happiest.
It took the Universe 9.2 billion years to create the Earth, and another 4 billion for complex life. Could we have gotten there faster? The story of how the Universe came […]
Mark Twain once said that God created war so that Americans would learn geography. Twain died before World War I, but his sardonic remark still has meaning.
For many companies, particularly those in the tech and manufacturing sectors, innovation is the lifeblood of the company. Entire advocacy groups have been created with the basic goal of protecting […]
Just how equal in size are the populations of Europe and North America?
Natural selection has left us with a world of optimists—is this healthy?
9 min
Scientists come up with an explanation for the strange dimming of Tabby’s star and it doesn’t involve aliens.
Spontaneous talk on surprise topics. Joyce Carol Oates on America, idealism, and the shackles we can and can’t shake off.
Racism is the acting out of biases learned as early as preschool, research shows. If racism starts at three years old, so should science-backed strategies to reduce it.
10 min
You may have heard of a new kind of therapy from your more “new age” friends, “Sensory Deprivation Tanks”. While it sounds like a form of torture that might have […]
Today, we are in the golden age of meltdowns. More and more of our systems are in the danger zone, but our ability to manage them hasn’t quite caught up.
As more and more Millennials join the modern workforce, businesses are being faced with a new challenge: finding ways to integrate their young Millennial workers with their older, more experienced […]
There’s a big reason no one, not even Stephen Hawking, could fill Carl Sagan’s shoes. Everyone has a unique story to tell. For scientists, that story is one that usually only […]
The Olympic Games are the perfect backdrop for international propaganda.
Conspiracy theorising may be a symptom of a breakdown of trust in institutions like the government and the media.
Optimism may be quantifiably keeping marriages together, especially after the so-called honeymoon period ends.
Spontaneous talk on surprise topics. Social Psychologist Adam Alter on a planet-wide epidemic it’s not (yet) too late to bring under control.
Cornel West talks about everyday poets, being the best of the human species, hope, what wokeness really means, and revolution.
10 min
The answer has nothing at all to do with the Higgs boson. In this Universe, there are very few fundamental properties that cannot be derived from something simpler. The rules governing […]
Artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and augmented reality are already a big part of the travel industry.
In his book, The Attention Merchants, Tim Wu claims we now worship celebrities like deities. This can lead to all sorts of problems.
It’s called change blindness, and you probably have it.
Hitler and other Nazis were fond of a strange theory that the world was made of ice.