We’re taught that the most massive stars in the Universe all die in supernovae. We were taught wrong. Create a star that’s massive enough, and it won’t go out with a […]
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You searched for: Big Think
When a ‘Rick and Morty’ fan recently tweeted at Dan Harmon asking how to deal with depression, it didn’t take him long to reply.
If everything was hot, dense, and super close-together at the Big Bang, what kept us from collapsing into a singularity? The Big Bang is one of the most counterintuitive ideas […]
The researcher behind some well-known gender studies is accused of making them all up.
The research isn’t all negative.
NASA is close to testing its next-generation nuclear fission reactors that would power a Mars colony and propel space exploration.
Spontaneous talk on surprise topics. NY Times bestselling author George Saunders on cyborgs, ghosts, ego and loving your enemy.
Scientists propose an out-of-the-box theory about why the world has no more than three dimensions.
You know what many of the best employees have in common, regardless of the industry they work in? They’re constantly learning new things and applying those lessons to their work.
After Beyoncé’s landmark Coachella performance, a look back at the biggest musical stars ever. It’s impossible to pick just one as the biggest, but fun to try.
Religion as a belief system goes back hundreds of thousands of years. So why are so many of the religious peoples of today so focused on a supposed God that goes back only 5,000 years? The answer lies in how our brains work.
10 min
“The greatest change-agent profession… is the legal profession.” But should these change agents side with big corporations?
In the search for fundamental truths in our Universe, one of the biggest questions, “are space and time continuous or discrete,” remains unanswered. Throughout the history of science, one of […]
Perhaps you’re thinking you don’t know any non-monogamous people. But I wouldn’t be too sure.
The biologist Trofim Lysenko, blamed for millions of deaths, is experiencing a revival in Russia.
Your brain is playing tricks on you. And most of the time you have no idea what is really going on.
7 min
With his 51st Oscar nomination for Star Wars: The Last Jedi, composer John Williams has mastered the craft of the film score.
As wonderful as the evidence that supports or invalidates a theory is, it can never truly kill the ones that don’t work out. When it comes to science, we like to […]
Spontaneous talk on surprise topics. Novelist and essayist Gish Jen on how fundamental East-West differences in the sense of self play out in art, culture, business, education, and more.
Organizations of all kinds are putting a whole new emphasis on their “company culture.” A strong and positive company culture promotes employee well being, satisfaction, and drive—which translates into higher […]
The idea is to flood the markets and drive prices down. Contrary to what you may think, a rhino horn is not made of bone but of keratin – the material found in nails and hair.
T.C. Boyle will read his short story “Are We Not Men?” at the Los Angeles Hope Festival on Sunday, May 21. The event is free but seats are limited. RSVP here.
As the Event Horizon Telescope prepares to release its first results, we can expect not just one, but two black hole images. What does a black hole actually look like? For […]
Self-Directed Learning (SDL) initiatives make employees pick and choose what they learn and when. Enabling employees to learn independently rather than from a formal training schedule offers benefits that can […]
A string of terror attacks across the globe have shaken the world’s most powerful nations to their core. As a result of these tragic events, and the fear-mongering from politicians […]
Spontaneous talk on surprise topics. Historian Yuval Noah Harari, bestselling author of Sapiens and Homo Deus, on the dizzying ethical questions that surround what’s coming next – from superhuman cyborgs to algorithms that know us better than we know ourselves.
There are no punches to pull here. If America believes in science, research, or basic truths about the Universe, we cannot cancel this mission. Last week, the White House released their […]
In 1990, the Hubble Space Telescope was launched, leading to a revolution in astronomy. But for many purposes, Earth is still the best place to be. When you think about what’s […]
In an age of bountiful data, there’s dark potential for how corporations and judicial systems could use private details to discriminate against innocent people.
4 min
Spontaneous talk on surprise topics. Artificial Intelligence inventor Ben Goertzel on thinking (and feeling) machines.