There’s been a lot of talk among Republican candidates Ted Cruz and Donald Trump about completing the United States-Mexico border fence. But completing the wall has consequences outside of human politics.
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What’s going on in your gut is affecting your emotions and mental outlook.
Biocentrism is a theory that sees our lives as a string on unconnected Nows with no real time or death.
Hundreds of years before climate change was a topic of discussion, monks and merchants kept records when lakes and rivers froze-over in the winter. These records show how the Industrial Revolution was a major turning point in altering the Earth’s climate.
There’s a strange beauty, yes, but also a violence to Degas’ technique. Where did that violence come from?
Think Saturn is the only ringed world? The story is far better than that! “The phenomena of nature, especially those that fall under the inspection of the astronomer, are to be […]
Technology has helped us prolong life indefinitely. But that brings with it a lot of ethical questions, and questionable practices when it comes to brain death.
Researchers estimate how many humans have ever lived.
When was the last time anyone cared about an Artic research ship? Exactly.
With, as Carl Sagan famously put it, “billions and billions” of stars out there, many of them with planets that would support life, why aren’t we seeing that life the form of visits from aliens?
A new security technology identifies people by the sound of their skulls.
These maps show the best and worst qualities of all fifty states in the US, and all European countries.
If we’re going to send a probe to another star at 20% the speed of light, what hope do we have of slowing it down? “Yes, now there is this technological […]
Broad Minded Affective Coping technique is one of many tools for coping with low mood. Affirmations and mindfulness help too.
With a new lobby, driverless cars could gain some legitimacy and legislation for the road. The question is whether they are good for the environment or not.
Earth day may have been last week, but the lessons we learned about Earth from space are with us always. “We are not learning to view ourselves as an advanced, evolving […]
Scientists can see a spark at fertilization that has serious implications for in vitro.
Spanish scientists utilize a revolutionary new technique to create sperm from skin in a potential cure for infertility.
Bessel van der Kolk has spent a lifetime recognizing the damaging effects of trauma…and healing them.
Move over, Middle Ages. Everyone’s favorite bloodsucking worms—leeches—are making a comeback. These have been used in the medical practice for two millennia, if not more.
Why did Jackie Robinson have to break baseball’s color line in 1947 after another man broke it almost 70 years before?
“Where did it come from” is pretty high up there! “Space is certainly something more complicated than the average person would probably realize. Space is not just an empty background in […]
Cats’ craziness is leftover instinctual behavior from living in the wild.
Brief bursts of intense exercise give the same health benefits as a long moderate workout.
From Space, in HD. “You cannot rob me of free nature’s grace,You cannot shut the windows of the skyThrough which Aurora shows her brightening face.” –James Thomson Ever since humanity first […]
Homo sapiens would have carried tropical diseases with them out of Africa, infecting Neanderthals and speeding up their annihilation.
Scientists at University of California, Irving stumble across the secret to long-lasting rechargeable batteries.
New research on student learning with technology and computers.
Why you might want to find ways to get more greenery onto your block.