While the probiotic trend has been suspect at best, there is one therapeutic application that keeps holding up: fecal transplant.
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You searched for: Chaos
The world’s getting hotter, and it’s getting more volatile. We need to start thinking about how climate change encourages conflict.
What is liberal America’s big, and possibly fatal, mistake? Failing to recognize its own extremists.
10 min
“Anarchy” is often used as a synonym for chaos. Does the historical record match up with that?
Are we standing on the brink of Mutually Assured Destruction?
Christine Lagorio-Chafkin spent six years writing the definitive history of Reddit.
50 years ago the city of Chicago erupted in a legendary police riot.
As individuals, we scientists are all flawed. But the enterprise of science rises above our individual shortcomings. The enterprise of science is perhaps the greatest achievement in all of human […]
Google’s homepage doodle for today, June 22, honors the memory of renowned science fiction author Octavia E. Butler. It would have been her 71st birthday.
Catch up on the phenomenon known as ASMR, which is exploding in popularity and may be linked to the appeal of religion.
Simple diagrams reflect straightforward grids that make navigation easy. Complex diagrams equal ‘messy’ street grids, making it harder to find your way.
What inspired the Mona Lisa, China’s Terracotta Warriors, and more?
We all know who Confucius was, but what did he teach?
There may be a fundamental reason why time travel, backwards, is impossible. We’ve all had the dream of traveling back in time. Whether there’s a wrong we want to right, […]
It may seem like the world’s going to hell in a hand basket, but the facts don’t support it.
The Flat Earth community revealed some of its newest theories and breakthroughs at its first convention in Birmingham, England last weekend.
As victor of WWII, America set out with its allies to rebuild the broken world through its greatest diplomatic effort in history: The Marshall Plan.
New research from UC Davis shows forty volunteers still experiencing cognitive gains seven years after an intensive retreat.
“Enforcing language norms is a way of enforcing power structures.”
Or maybe it’s already begun.
The widely beloved chef, writer and TV host Anthony Bourdain was found dead Friday morning at age 61. Here’s a brief look at the work and life that made him an international culinary star.
Here’s why Latin American cities are the deadliest in the world.
The concept of non-action might just be the most powerful action to take for curbing anxiety.
Forty percent of Americans get less than seven hours of sleep per night. But there’s another key ingredient we’re missing: dreams.
We often bicker and argue over what our national heroes believed in. Why did Dr. King believe in moving towards socialism?
Our empathy is getting better, but universal? No way.
An AI watchdog supported by Elon Musk releases a horrifying new film warning about the dangers of autonomous weapons in the near future.
Last month, the United States Federal Bureau of Prisons released more than 6,000 prisoners early. The Sentencing Commission reduced their sentences retroactively. And the Senate is considering a bipartisan bill […]
Could the upcoming Winter Olympics stand as a turning point, or will it be more of the same?