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You searched for: light

A new study exposes public myths of energy conservation, such as turning off lights and hanging clothes up to dry. In reality, making machines more efficient saves more energy.
“Most artists have shied away from 9/11 as a theme in recent years, and who can blame them?” Art critic Richard Woodward says artists should again take on the events of 9/11.
“Whenever a prominent scientist [disputes the existence of God], all hell is sure to break loose.” The Economist measures the fallout from physicist Stephen Hawking’s new book.
“America’s biggest—and only major—jobs program is the U.S. military.” Robert Reich says we need a jobs program for public goods like light-rail and renewable energy, not outmoded weapons.
Jamaican Prime Minister, Bruce Golding, in his interview with Big Think, confirms what we know: crime, like global capital markets, is uniquely, irrevocably networked. The rare drug crime might be […]