For those who still don’t believe in global warming, the science has had it right for half a century now. “Greenhouse gases are the second most important factor for climate, after […]
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If you know when, where and how to look, the show will still be spectacular. “My dad took me out to see a meteor shower when I was a little […]
Human minds are all powered by the same organ, so why do we have such strong preferences and diverse favorite things? Bill Nye lets us in on an example from his life.
3 min
The origin of life on Earth may have nothing to do with Earth at all. “An extrapolation of the genetic complexity of organisms to earlier times suggests that life began before […]
Will your grandchildren live in cities on Antarctica?
A cataclysmic event in our past may have led to this situation.
Photographer Craig burrows reveals the secret colors of plants.
With five moons orbiting it, Pluto is the richest rocky world known to date. How did it get that way? “We really expect the mission to be transformational. This is the […]
What it means that 2016 is the hottest year on record. “There are now dozens of hockey sticks and the all come to the same basic conclusion. The recent warming does […]
No other object this large has come so close to Earth in millions of years. In the 5th millennium, we might suffer the consequences. “Honestly, if you’re given the choice […]
Where liquids are impossible, science gets really interesting! “You can’t cross the sea merely by standing and staring at the water.” –Rabindranath Tagore If you brought liquid water into outer space, […]
With off-the-shelf materials and a little dry ice, you can discover particles that wouldn’t exist unless relativity were real. “The experiments that we will do with the LHC [Large Hadron Collider] […]
Why Saturn’s Iapetus has three great mysteries… and we’ve only solved one of them. “The dance between darkness and light will always remain — the stars and the moon will always need the […]
Forget everything you thought you knew about boiling and freezing, thanks to these MIT scientists.
And what it found was a world swimming, literally, with possibilities. Just as a Chihuahua is still a dog, these ice dwarfs are still planetary bodies. The misfit becomes the […]
The red planet is nearby, cool, sunny, and was once potentially habitable. Could it someday be that way again? “It would be great some day to have astronauts in a rover […]
It might surprise you that the majority of items in American supermarkets are owned by about 10 companies.
The Bella Bella Heiltsuk will use these findings in negotiations over their traditional lands.
Silicon Valley insiders are voicing concerns about programmers’ deliberate attempts to turn users into addicts.
A debate rages over whether brick-and-mortar or online retail will ultimately claim the greater share of consumer hearts and wallets. While that debate continues, however, a new channel has emerged – the home robot. Your home robot is more than just a little helper; it (often referred to by some as she or he) is a new and powerful influential link between consumers and businesses.
A huge landslide and tsunami no one witnessed may foreshadow many more to come in the aftermath of climate change.
US scientists fearing for Earth’s climate future begin testing solar geoengineering. The consequences may be terrifying — which is exactly why we need these small-scale experiments.
The Svalbard Global Seed Vault holds the world’s largest collection of seeds, for safekeeping.
If you can’t look at the full suite of evidence and tell the full truth, you’re nothing but a deliberate misleader. At best. “Climate change does not respect border; it does […]
Some say it’s more than all of humanity emits in a year. But people say a lot of things. What does the science say? “One volcano puts out more toxic gases — one […]
65 million years, an impact wiped out 30% of all life on Earth. Could another one be imminent? “That which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence.” […]
Glacier McGlacierface? Not likely. NASA has set some classy themes that will guide the naming of geographical features of Pluto and its moons.
Scientists at the food giant reportedly found a novel way of altering the molecular structure of sugar.
A new planet, bigger than Earth, could be lurking in the outer solar system. But new evidence says ‘probably not.’ “Although we were initially quite skeptical that this planet could […]
Want humans to go to the Moon or Mars? Then let’s stop wasting time and resources and go do it! “We had this whole big beautiful place for discovery, and all […]