Researchers confirm the best location to hunker down during a zombie outbreak: go where people aren’t.
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The snobbery wars have erupted over photos of a sometimes blue-black, sometimes white-gold dress.
Kepler took a look at 150,000 stars, searching for habitable worlds. Based on what it found, how many should be in our galaxy? “I’m sure the universe is full of […]
Entering the market for personal health trackers is Cue – an affordable, user friendly mini-lab that allows you to test five important molecules in your body indicating fertility, influenza, testosterone, […]
Deputy Commissioner Zachary Tumin discusses how the NYPD has evolved over the years and must continue to develop its methods of controlling crime in order to regain public support.
5 min
With the full suite of evidence, there’s no escaping dark matter. “A cosmic mystery of immense proportions, once seemingly on the verge of solution, has deepened and left astronomers and […]
We could lose the ability to interpret digital data as software progresses and leaves old ways of coding data behind.
All you need are clear skies, a telescope, and a plan. Make it a great one. “For my confirmation, I didn’t get a watch and my first pair of long […]
Game theorists have cracked Texas Hold’em poker by creating an algorithm that bluffs, learns from previous mistakes, and makes smart decisions despite lacking perfect information.
Our love of the one-time ninth planet holds the key to our drive for venturing out into the Universe. “I have announced this star as a comet, but since it […]
Researchers believe they’ve found some connections in women that may help predict postpartum depression before childbirth.
Author Michael Schrage argues that the most successful forms of innovation are ones that include investments made in the human-capital capabilities of a company’s customer base. Henry Ford and his impact on driving culture is a good example.
Laptops, smart devices, and all forms of educational technology are making their way into the classroom. It’s vital that parents educate themselves about this transition so they can ask the right kinds of questions.
Life coach and author Tony Robbins had entered the world of personal finance with his latest book.
Electroceuticals — electrical signals used to trick the brain into thinking the gut is full — have been approved by the FDA to treat obesity.
The real barrier to getting more women into leadership roles is the issue of time commitment. Companies that embrace values diversity and accommodate various time commitments will open doors to leadership for previously shut-out members of the available talent pool.
The Anthropic Principle is more limited than we like to believe. “There is a voice inside of youThat whispers all day long,‘I feel this is right for me,I know that […]
Is internet access a human right? Even if it’s not now, Nicholas Negroponte says it will be considered as such in due time.
4 min
The massive damage humans have done to the natural world has provoked a backlash that could be just as dangerous, or more. There is a growing global rejection of technology and almost anything human-made in favor of whatever is more “natural.” But a simplistic rejection of modern technologies eliminates many of our best options for solving the problems we’ve created.
How many times have you heard a politician or school board official vow to improve education by increasing students’ access to technology? Perhaps you’re familiar with the now-dormant plan to […]
Last year was the hottest on record for every place in the world, except two: a small part of Antarctica and the Northeast United States.
Philosopher Daniel Dennett investigates the theories related to how the brain represents ideas and beliefs while pondering an Inception-like situation in which beliefs are surgically inserted into a patient’s brain.
4 min
Despite our ambient assumptions about “human nature,” the history of individualism shows how highly configurable our software is. And our current software needs a security upgrade.
Under a new law passed last week, a number of Germany’s largest companies must award at least 30 percent of board seats to women by January of 2016. Germany has […]
Concerned that extreme advances in artificial intelligence could endanger humanity, Elon Musk has donated ten million dollars this week to safeguard humans from an “intelligence explosion.”
America’s most meritocratic institutions—schools, universities, and the workplace—are becoming places where inheritance thrives rather than individuals with talent.
Wouldn’t it be more fair if being elected to a federal office required a majority rather than plurality of votes? Perhaps it’s time to replace our current voting system with a ranked ballot.
The discovery of the lost Beagle 2 spacecraft demonstrates just how close European space authorities were to success when it touched down Christmas Day, 2003.
How do you talk to a parent who has decided not to vaccinate their child? Some commentators say, “Don’t bother.”
Qatar, host of the 2022 World Cup, is constructing event infrastructure with what basically amounts to modern-day slave labor. Where is the outrage?