A Chicago Tribune study suggests that the city’s red light camera system, intended to make roads safer, are causing more accidents resulting in injury than before.
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Some people believe generous welfare benefits make people more dependent — not so, according to researchers.
Journalist Eric Schlosser, an executive producer on the film Food Chains, discusses the exploitation of poor workers in the American food system.
It’s the only thing separating real knowledge from ignorant misinformation. “The first duty of every Starfleet officer is to the truth, whether it’s scientific truth or historical truth or personal […]
What do you get when the Death Star meets LEGO friends? “The regional governors now have direct control over their territories. Fear will keep the local systems in line. Fear […]
Men can reverse the effects of a poor night’s sleep with a nap, according to researchers.
Rather than focus on not doing something you shouldn’t do, create a new habit to override the old, bad one.
While Brazil may not have the scientific muscle of American research institutions, its dietary guidelines are remarkably more consistent.
The brain is a wonder of computational power, and engineers want to replicate it by creating a better neural network.
Pop-up skyscrapers constructed using pre-assembled pieces could forever change the way we perceive city planning and construction.
What would it take to create a system of principles that guide our behavior without a religious grounding?
As NASA researchers strive to create training programs for future Mars missions, the lessons they learn have implications for other forms of training here on Earth.
If you’re learning, you’re being taught, no matter who is doing the teaching or where the lesson is taking place (and conversely, if you’re not learning, you’re not being taught).
Our observable Universe is finite, and so is the amount of information in it. Here’s what we may never know. “Despite its name, the big bang theory is not really […]
Researchers have studied how towns, less influenced by tech, sleep. They’ve found these people’s wake/sleep cycles mimic the sun’s. So, what can be done to save the tech-addicted cities?
Uncertainty can be a powerful motivator, according to one group of researchers.
The first human colonies might not be on the surface of Mars, but amidst the clouds of Venus. “I remember as a kid having a balloon and accidentally letting the […]
Everything that makes Twitter great also makes it difficult to monetize. As investors flee, the days may be numbered for the Twitter we know and love.
Serious, long-term stress can have dire consequences for your brain. That’s because the immune system and the brain are intimately related.
The hope that humans can use wisdom and technology to prevent a bleak future for life on Earth is overly optimistic. It falsely presumes that we can use wisdom to overcome instincts.
Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg recently implied that the company’s success with providing marketing tools for small-to-medium businesses could precede an eventual shift toward competition with TV advertising.
New technology will surely improve the lives of older adults. However, there is a secondary effect of today’s technological innovation — it raises our expectations for life tomorrow. Technology is teaching baby boomers and every generation that follows to expect more and better in older age.
In the story of where all this comes from, our closest world was a mystery for millennia. But now we know! “But even when the moon looks like it’s waning…it’s […]
Only after riders spend $35 on cab fare is it less expensive to take an Uber in New York City, according to researchers at Cambridge University, UK.
“The most important thing we can do is inspire young minds and to advance the kind of science, math and technology education that will help youngsters take us to the next phase of space travel.”
Researchers from the University of Maryland and Australian research center NICTA have developed a method to teach robots tasks by exposing them to lessons on YouTube.
Our desire to conform starts young. Despite our best efforts later on in life, by age two we’re already willing to hide our otherness away from our peers, according to researchers.
Online dating allows you ample opportunity to run a campaign of trial-and-error in order to fully optimize the dating experience.
Searching the internet gives people an inflated sense of knowledge, according to a recent study.