Maura O’Connor discusses her new book, Wayfinding: The Science and Mystery of How Humans Navigate the World.
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Schadenfreude is a common feeling, but not all of it is the same.
You’d be amazed at what you can learn from even one single pixel. Over the past decade, owing largely to NASA’s Kepler mission, our knowledge of planets around star systems beyond […]
If you look everywhere between the numbers 1 and 2, you’ll never find 3. Let’s say you have an idea about how our physical reality might be different from how we […]
We know that life is possible on an Earth-like world around a Sun-like star. But can it find a way on a Super-Earth? When it comes to the origin of […]
Beef, salt, and water is all the Canadian professor eats. Is that sustainable?
Kepler showed us that the Universe is full of planets around other stars. TESS is giving us our next great leap. It’s been nearly a decade since NASA’s Kepler mission first […]
Cosmic collision yields bullion by the billions.
Being an American president is a powerful but dangerous job, a fact shown by many assassination attempts.
Senator John Sidney McCain III, who died Saturday, Aug. 25, 2018 at the age of 81, is lying in state in the Rotunda of the United States Capitol.
The Universe is an enormous place, but we can’t see all the way back to the beginning. Here’s the latest record-breaker. No matter how far back we look in the […]
President Donald Trump wants to create Space Force, a sixth branch of the military that would likely boost U.S. military capabilities and weaponry in space—if congress approves it.
A Scottish inventor has created a water bottle that could save ocean life the world over. But will the plastic industry let it happen?
Why is only 10% of the population left-handed? There are a few new scientific clues pointing to the answer.
Scientists have identified an alternative DNA structure described as a “twisted knot” inside living human cells. They’re calling it the i-motif.
It took more than 9 billion years for Earth to form: the only known planet housing life. But it could have happened much, much sooner. The cosmic story that unfolded following […]
Ten days before he died, Stephen Hawking published a final paper with a way to prove or disprove the multiverse.
Even if it can’t detect them directly, we’ll learn the answer. Here’s how. Perhaps the most revolutionary find of the past generation, when we think about the Universe beyond Earth, is […]
What is the American Dream? The ever-changing definition of it might surprise you nearly as much as what it used to mean.
In his new book, The Consciousness Instinct, Michael Gazzaniga does a deep dive into the process of consciousness.
There’s no escaping its vast power and utility for the human enterprise. Stories, great tales, and songs have all been written about the all-mighty dollar. Here’s 10 documentaries that we think you’ll enjoy.
Propofol does more than knock a patient out — it blocks neural connections.
The story of John Couch Adams, “the man who failed to discover Neptune,” and his cosmic redemption. Perhaps its human nature to want to only think positive thoughts about our […]
If emissions don’t go down, there’s still an option for combatting global warming. We just have to effectively dim the Sun. Global climate change is one of the most pressing long-term […]
Americans are, often with justification, regarded as not being versed in philosophy. This is a shame, as the United States and the colonies that proceeded it have produced many great thinkers
The ‘big discovery’ is nothing of the kind. We need a new planet-finding mission to probe the next frontier. Last week, NASA dropped a bombshell that it’s Kepler mission — the greatest […]
One of astronomy’s most iconic sights in an artifact of faulty optics. Here’s how a new, great design will overcome it. When you look out at the greatest images of the […]
It’s fascinating how an octopus’s skin does this and how these scientists recreated it.
From the birth and deaths of stars to the largest structures in the Universe, Hubble shows us what we’d never see otherwise. When it comes to the Universe itself, perhaps […]
For just a year’s worth of US Military budget, we could transform the world. The United States spends more on military spending than the next ten nations combined: an estimated $600 […]