Sports teams have yet to pour a celebratory cooler of chocolate milk over their coach after winning the big game.
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While the unchecked ego might be popular at parties, it can get us into all kinds of trouble. Mark Epstein, MD combines psychotherapy and Buddhism to help people live with the self.
Videos for “Baby Shark,” a diabolical earworm, have been watched 3.3 billion times in a viral children-song craze that spans the globe. But why?
Basketball is the exception, which leans very left.
Why are soda and ice cream each linked to violence? This article delivers the final word on what people mean by “correlation does not imply causation.”
One of Stephen Hawking’s predictions seems to have been borne out in a man-made “black hole.”
If dark energy is causing the Universe to disappear, how can we still find and see ultra-distant stars and galaxies? In the 1920s, scientists discovered that the Universe was expandingbased […]
That’s a sharp increase from the 1960s when it took the same share of scientists an average of 35 years to drop out of academia.
The workforce, which primarily currently consists of Baby Boomers, Generation Xers, and Millennials, is now seeing the introduction of Generation Zers. Individuals who fall into the last category are typically […]
The term “diversity” is a hot topic and focus in today’s business world. The importance of diversity and inclusion training in the workplace grows as businesses and the nation as […]
Effective business communication is not just an advantage for businesses — it’s a necessity. According to Salesforce, 86% of 1,400 surveyed corporate execs, employees, and educators attribute workplace failures to […]
A new generation is waiting for the whimsy and wit of Dr. Seuss.
When the Universe gives us clues, we ignore them at our own peril. When you approach the world scientifically, you seek to gain knowledge about how it works by asking it […]
It’s great to be in a position of authority — you have a unique chance to get things done and move your business forward. Command, though, is a funny thing: […]
A study of 323 uprisings against repressive regimes yields stunning insights.
For millions of years, this popular color dominated the world.
It’s not about the resolution but about how your mind tackles the problem.
A wealthy team doesn’t automatically make for a successful team.
“Didn’t you see me Googling ‘baby not moving?'” Gillian Brockell wrote a heartbreaking open letter to big tech companies imploring them to change the ways they target ads to users.
Let’s not kid ourselves: Coral reefs are in serious danger. But numerous ambitious projects are underway with the goal of keeping these ecosystems alive.
Overspeciliazation may be hampering progress in the context of higher education and scientific research.
Innovation is a “creative muscle” that needs to be flexed and exercised regularly to be strong and effective. Anyone can innovate — and some of the best or most creative […]
A longstanding astronomical gap between neutron stars and black holes is finally coming to a close. Astronomy has taken us so far into the Universe, from beyond Earth to the planets, […]
A team of archaeologists has discovered 3,200-year-old cheese after analyzing artifacts found in an ancient Egyptian tomb. It could be the oldest known cheese sample in the world.
Having a strong professional learning program is a growing area of importance in organizations around the country. In a LinkedIn survey of more than 500 North American learning and development […]
No particle we know of can explain what’s going on.
The cosmic story of us wasn’t inevitable, but the culmination of many chance events. By the time our planet was four billion years old, the rise of large plants and animals […]
The famed author headed to the pond thanks to Indian philosophy.
Purpose and meaning are now more important than ever in the workplace. This is particularly the case with the rise of the millennial generation in the workforce.In some ways, it […]
Polls show that more Americans today define socialism as an ideology of “equality” than one espousing government control of the economy.