John Mackey
CEO, Whole Foods Market
John Mackey is the former CEO and co-founder of Whole Foods Market, co-founder of the nonprofit Conscious Capitalism, Inc., and co-author of Conscious Capitalism and The Whole Story, among other books. He has devoted his life to selling natural and organic foods and building a better business model.

Whole Foods Market founding CEO John Mackey synthesized the counterculture with capitalism and drove a food revolution.
The “lone genius” often gets the credit for big ideas, but real-world innovation is a team sport.
4 min
When you work from a higher purpose you unleash greater degrees of commitment, greater degrees of loyalty and greater creativity in the workplace and that gives competitive advantage.
Libertarians are constantly arguing with each other who is the most pure libertarian and who is most ideologically pure.
Starting my own business was kind of a wakeup call in a number of different ways.
I really do believe that America has this weight problem, obesity issues and we have all these diseases that we get, heart disease, cancer, diabetes, autoimmune diseases that are primarily lifestyle diseases.
According to John Mackey, CEO of Whole Foods Market, just as a dollop of yogurt introduced into a jug of milk will transform the whole jug, a star employee or […]
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John Mackey, CEO of Whole Foods, explains why corporations need to offer their employees a higher mission.
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Criticism—be it from protesters or even competitors—can have truth to it. If the criticism is valid, you can learn from it.
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Defining a company’s purpose may begin with the philosophy of an entrepreneur. But, over time, the contributions of team members and stakeholders will naturally change a company’s destiny.
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By criticizing Whole Foods, writer Michael Pollen helped it become a better company, says Mackey.
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The economic downturn meant there was a greater need to differentiate from competitors—and to create more value for customers who were looking to spend less.
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A company does not need to sacrifice purpose to achieve profit. Synergy among stakeholders is a win, win, win, win strategy. When team members flourish, customers and investors also flourish.
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Companies—and individuals—have the ability to improve the world and stand up for what they believe is true, right, and good, says the Whole Foods CEO in an interview with HBR’s […]
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When disagreements get expressed, better decisions get made. If you have to dive deeper into the basis for disagreement, you’re forced to make your case more persuasive.
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A conscious business is not just about maximizing profits and shareholder value. It’s becoming aware of the deeper purpose that a business has.
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A conversation with the Whole Foods CEO.
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A conversation with the co-founder and CEO of Whole Foods
29 min
Whole Foods’ founder and CEO John Mackey says a stakeholder-based business model can revolutionize the U.S. economy, and that the service sector is poised to be a driving force.
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Some believe “conscious capitalism” is too idealistic and can’t compete in the marketplace with pure-profit companies. But when you work from a higher purpose you unleash greater degrees of commitment, […]
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Stakeholder-based “conscious capitalism” realigns the short-term profit model of capitalism that has undervalued employees, customers, and suppliers.
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When creativity and entrepreneurship are unleashed, and when new innovations are introduced to an open marketplace, there are no limits to human achievement.
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There are several strands within libertarianism—some over-emphasizing selfishness and under-emphasizing collective human flourishing. Yet at its core, libertarianism is about humanity’s need to be free.
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The nuts and bolts of running a company—from meeting payroll each week and satisfying customers to taking on competitors—revealed that Mackey’s idealistic notions of the fair distribution of resources were […]
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