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n n Do you ever see corporations doing innovative things they shouldn’t, theoretically, be doing? Usually, it starts with an employee in the front ranks, changing the way he or […]
n nAs New Scientist Tech points out, it will soon be possible to “evolve” colonies of robots that are able to think, act and even pass on their robotic DNA […]
Is it just me, or does this sound like the creation of the Pre-Crime Unit from the movie Minority Report? The Rutgers newspaper reports that the Department of Homeland Security […]
As Amy Chozick of the Wall Street Journal reports, Japan is turning into a hotbed of creativity, thanks to a nascent economic turnaround and a predilection for all things new […]
n nWriting in the March 2007 issue of Harvard Business Review, business school professors Satish Nambisan and Mohanbir Sawhney describe how the Innovation Capitalist can help consumer product companies with […]